[infinispan-dev] [jboss-dev] Infinispan configuration - all in one solution

Vladimir Blagojevic vblagoje at redhat.com
Fri Jul 17 11:38:35 EDT 2009

On 7/17/09 5:16 PM, Bill Burke wrote:
> Wouldn't it be better to write a javadoc-like generator that
> introspected for JAXB and Inifispan annotations instead of writing your
> own XML parser and schema generator?  Or maybe I'm misunderstanding your
> post.
> In other words, use JAXB for marshalling/unmarshalling/schema
> generation.  Use inifinispan javadoc generator for documentation.
I looked around a bit more to see that now in JAXB 2.x we have 
annotations as well :) If we annotate our configuration beans with JAXB 
annotations I suppose we can do exactly what you suggest - use JAXB for 
marshalling/unmarshalling/schema generation and at the same time use 
those annotation in a custom tool that creates reference documentation.
> By creating your own XML parsing you've just complicated the maintenance
> problems for future maintainers of infinispan.
I agree.


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