[infinispan-dev] Maven.assembly.useTransitiveDependencies true or false? WAS Re: More demo

Galder Zamarreno galder.zamarreno at redhat.com
Wed Jul 22 11:59:04 EDT 2009

On 07/09/2009 10:49 AM, Manik Surtani wrote:
> On 9 Jul 2009, at 08:57, Galder Zamarreno wrote:
>> Manik, for Alph6, what do u think we should be doing? Leave
>> useTransitiveDependencies as it is and make modules such as S3 be more
>> explicit with their dependencies? Or set it to true?
> I'm not fussed which approach we take. They're both kinda hacky
> workarounds around Maven's inadequacies either way. :-)

We need a workaround though or otherwise people won't be able for 
example to run the demo connecting to S3:


I'll try to resolve this in the next couple of days so that it's ready 
for Beta1.

>> On 06/30/2009 06:04 PM, Adrian Cole wrote:
>>> Thanks for writing this up, Galder.
>>> The latter seems the better of the two. It may need to be implemented
>>> as a
>>> separate antscript task, as assembly may not have a hook for this.
>>> -Adrian
>>> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 5:59 PM, Galder Zamarreno<
>>> galder.zamarreno at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> Hmmmmm, this has a domino effect. Because s3 module depends on
>>>> infinispan-core, it now pulls all its dependencies, so we need to
>>>> exclude
>>>> them somehow, cos they're dependencies of the core module and hence
>>>> they
>>>> should reside there rather than have them in each and every module.
>>>> Personally, in spite of the repetition, I prefer explicit dependency
>>>> definition rather than letting maven bring all transitive
>>>> dependencies and
>>>> then having to go and do exclusions.
>>>> More globally, I think this needs to be put the infinispan-dev list.
>>>> During
>>>> assembly, do we either:
>>>> - Leave useTransitiveDependencies as it is, which is false, and make
>>>> modules like s3 explicitly define the 3rd party dependencies that
>>>> jclouds
>>>> depends on.
>>>> - Or set useTransitiveDependencies to true so that they're all
>>>> brought in
>>>> and exclude direct infinispan-core dependecies from getting to the lib
>>>> directories of submodules such as s3.
>>>> For the moment, and to make my life easier getting the demo working,
>>>> I'm
>>>> using the latter option.
>>>> Thoughts?
>>>> On 06/30/2009 05:47 PM, Adrian Cole wrote:
>>>>> beware of the assemblies... they are extremely crufty compared to
>>>>> ant ;)
>>>>> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 5:45 PM, Galder Zamarreno<
>>>>> galder.zamarreno at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On 06/30/2009 05:22 PM, Adrian Cole wrote:
>>>>>> Well.. :) I setup the dependencies of jclouds, so it shouldn't bring
>>>>>>> anything crazy in! Besides, a missing dep might be symptomatic of a
>>>>>>> larger
>>>>>>> issue in the distribution assembly.
>>>>>>> Ahh, maybe just found the reason why transitive dependencies are not
>>>>>> included:
>>>>>> src/main/resources/assemblies/bin.xml:
>>>>>> <useTransitiveDependencies>false</useTransitiveDependencies>
>>>>>> I'm trying out with that parameter set to true.
>>>>>> Anyway, let me know how it goes.
>>>>>>> on the SNAPSHOT bit, it was irrelevant to the topic. no worries
>>>>>>> on that.
>>>>>>> Thanks again for sorting this out, Galder.
>>>>>>> -a
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Galder Zamarreno<
>>>>>>> galder.zamarreno at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 06/30/2009 05:00 PM, Galder Zamarreno wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 06/30/2009 04:55 PM, Adrian Cole wrote:
>>>>>>>>> many thanks, Galder. It should be a transitive dep from
>>>>>>>>> jclouds-s3...
>>>>>>>>>> mvn
>>>>>>>>>> dependency:tree
>>>>>>>>>> maybe the distribution isn't pulling in deps properly.
>>>>>>>>>> Yeah, that looks to be the issue. At the moment I'm trying to
>>>>>>>>>> redefine
>>>>>>>>> them in the s3 project but maybe there's another way to do this?
>>>>>>>>> Google
>>>>>>>>> to the rescue...
>>>>>>>>> Hmmm, even though it's repetition, I think it might be safer to
>>>>>>>> redefine
>>>>>>>> the transitive dependencies rather than let it bring them all. You
>>>>>>>> never
>>>>>>>> know what Maven might bring with it...
>>>>>>>> I will be cutting a new beta within the next couple days, so
>>>>>>>> maybe you
>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>> switch temporarily to snapshot to ensure it will work?
>>>>>>>>>> Hmmm, why would I need a snapshot of jclouds? I've simply been
>>>>>>>>>> adding
>>>>>>>>> the transitive dependencies manually in s3/pom.xml
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 4:40 PM, Galder Zamarreno<
>>>>>>>>>> galder.zamarreno at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Adrian,
>>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to make further progress with the demo and I'm
>>>>>>>>>>> encountering the
>>>>>>>>>>> following issue:
>>>>>>>>>>> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
>>>>>>>>>>> org.jclouds.logging.config.LoggingModule
>>>>>>>>>>> The list of jars that is distributed does not include
>>>>>>>>>>> jclouds-core-1.0-beta-1.jar and this looks to be cos there's no
>>>>>>>>>>> direct
>>>>>>>>>>> dependency on this jar in the pom.xml for the s3 cache store
>>>>>>>>>>> module.
>>>>>>>>>>> FYI: I'm adding this dependency. I think there's a similar issue
>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>> google guice...
>>>>>>>>>>> Anyway, just letting you know of issues as I find them.
>>>>>>>>>>> See ya,
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Galder Zamarreño
>>>>>>>>>>> Sr. Software Engineer
>>>>>>>>>>> Infinispan, JBoss Cache
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Galder Zamarreño
>>>>>>>> Sr. Software Engineer
>>>>>>>> Infinispan, JBoss Cache
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Galder Zamarreño
>>>>>> Sr. Software Engineer
>>>>>> Infinispan, JBoss Cache
>>>> --
>>>> Galder Zamarreño
>>>> Sr. Software Engineer
>>>> Infinispan, JBoss Cache
>> --
>> Galder Zamarreño
>> Sr. Software Engineer
>> Infinispan, JBoss Cache
> --
> Manik Surtani
> manik at jboss.org
> Lead, Infinispan
> Lead, JBoss Cache
> http://www.infinispan.org
> http://www.jbosscache.org

Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Engineer
Infinispan, JBoss Cache

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