[infinispan-dev] Infinispan Persistence Manager and JBoss Messaging Journal

Clebert Suconic csuconic at redhat.com
Thu Jul 30 13:35:46 EDT 2009

Well .. ok.. it doesn' t fit on that at the moment.

On 07/30/2009 12:29 PM, Jason T. Greene wrote:
> The cache store is/can be a superset of the data in memory. So, for 
> example, you may have 1G of data, but only 200M of memory. You can 
> configure the memory part of the cache to be an LRU (data is never 
> lost, just evicted from memory).
> Even if the disk storage fits in memory, you likely don't want to load 
> it right away if you dont have to (i.e. waiting on 2 gigs of disk to 
> be read in)
> Clebert Suconic wrote:
>> On restarts, you can get the whole data back on the method load.
>> Eviction is probably a delete. so you probably don' t need to read 
>> the Store for eviction.
>> On 07/30/2009 12:16 PM, Manik Surtani wrote:
>>> On 30 Jul 2009, at 18:12, Clebert Suconic wrote:
>>>>> Yes - the cache store stores a superset of what is in memory. 
>>>>> Overflow. So it still needs to be accessible in a random fashion, 
>>>>> using a key.
>>>>> See the load() API on the CacheLoader interface.
>>>> If the data is in memory, why do you need to recover it from the 
>>>> Store?
>>> Eviction. Restarts. Etc. :)
>>> -- 
>>> Manik Surtani
>>> manik at jboss.org
>>> Lead, Infinispan
>>> Lead, JBoss Cache
>>> http://www.infinispan.org
>>> http://www.jbosscache.org

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