[infinispan-dev] Proposed fix for unstarted cache state transfer requests [ISPN-399]

Manik Surtani manik at jboss.org
Wed Apr 14 10:24:04 EDT 2010

On 14 Apr 2010, at 09:49, galder at redhat.com wrote:

> Hi,
> Re: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/ISPN-399
> This has been halting my progress with https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/ISPN-384 but I think I've found a way to fix the issue. Before that though, let me explain the approaches that I tried that would not work:
> - When a state transfer request is received for a cache that has not started, one option might have been to start the cache there and then. However, this won't work since clients might be starting caches with programatically defined configurations, hence InboundInvocationHandlerImpl can't have any knowledge of that.
> - The most sensible solution IMO would be for the state provider to simply provide empty state and the receiver to get on with it. Initially I thought that I could just get InboundInvocationHandlerImpl to get hold of the marshaller, start an object output on the passed stream and write a false boolean indicating that the state provider cannot provide state. However, this has a different meaning and the receiver throws an Exception when it sees such thing.
> - Finally, the only solution I could find was to add another boolean to the state provider/receiver protocol that indicates whether the state transfer manager for that cache is started. So, if the state provider found the cache was not started, it would do the same, write a false boolean. On the receiver side, we'd read the started flag first and then read the rest of the existing protocol, i.e. canProviderState...etc.
> Although the solution is relatively simple, it has some caveats including change of protocol format for state transfer which if we want to maintain backwards compatibility with 4.0, requires adding versioning to the state transfer protocol itself, something we haven't been doing so far.

I don't believe we need to worry too much about this IMO.

> IOW, we do have version at the marshaller level, but there's no versioning for the collection of calls that StateTransferManagerImpl does to figure out the state. In spite of all this, we might be able to workaround this if we're able to change Marshaller.startObjectInput and return not only ObjectInput, but also the versionId read, i.e. MyObjectInput that extends ObjectInput and contains ObjectInput and the version. StateTransferManagerImpl could do a hacky cast and figure out the version of the remote node and hence switch between the different protocol versions. To avoid such hacky things in the future, including 4.1, StateTransferManagerImpl could also write the version before writing anything else.
> The other caveat is that InboundInvocationHandlerImpl ends up having logic wrt to responding to state generation, hence leading to protocol information escaping StateTransferManagerImpl. However, there's no StateTransferManagerImpl for the unstarted cache, so not much that I can do there, unless the protocol itself is abstracted to a separate class that is independent of the per cache StateTransferManagerImpl component.
> I've attached a patch to the jira with v1 of the fix. Note that it does not contain any of my suggestions wrt supporting multiversioned state transfer protocol.
> Thoughts?

Sounds good though, -1 to versioning the state tfr streams (for now).

> --
> Galder Zamarreño
> Sr. Software Engineer
> Infinispan, JBoss Cache
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Manik Surtani
manik at jboss.org
Lead, Infinispan
Lead, JBoss Cache

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