[infinispan-dev] Marshaller implementation discovery

David M. Lloyd david.lloyd at redhat.com
Mon Dec 27 18:08:08 EST 2010

Sanne Grinovero asked me to drop a quick note about the API used to 
discover JBoss Marshalling implementations.  Since 1.2.0.GA, you can use 
the org.jboss.marshalling.Marshalling class methods to locate protocol 
implementations without involving a hard dependency in your sources.

I've heard that Infinispan uses this pattern to load the implementation 


This is a bit kludgey though and is considerably more complex than just 


which uses the java.util.ServiceLoader API to locate and instantiate the 
appropriate implementation class, also using the TCCL, and should be 
functionally equivalent (yet quite a bit cleaner) to the former.

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