[infinispan-dev] SingleJoinTest#testTransactional failure
Manik Surtani
manik at jboss.org
Fri Nov 26 14:30:12 EST 2010
On 26 Nov 2010, at 18:58, Vladimir Blagojevic wrote:
> Hey,
> On 10-11-26 12:15 PM, Manik Surtani wrote:
>>> I like option 1 as well. I am interested in details of how this can be done. How do we set lock acquisition timeout for InvalidateL1Command, issue command to abort specific tx etc etc?
>> Propose a design, we can review it here.
> Ok, how about this:
> 1) JoinTask issues invalidateL1Command as it is now in JoinTask
> 2) In case of TimeoutException where cause is inability to acquire lock L on key K then issue rollback for tx T
Hmm, who issues this? The joiner? :/ Surely it should be the node which has the locks?
Also what would this look like in the case of a Leave? Rehashes + L1 invalidations would happen there too.
> 3) Repeat 1
> 4) Loop 1-3 until success or timeout
> Questions:
> 1) For step2, can we simply do commandsFactory.buildRollbackCommand(globalTx) and broadcast this message?
> 2) In order to achieve the above we have to add globalTx as parameter to TimeoutException where globalTx is a the tx associated with T. Is there another way to rollback a user transaction from JoinTask, another mechanism perhaps?
Perhaps InvalidateL1Command should carry a 'force' flag and if this is true, then the recipient attempts to 'force' the lock by causing the existing lock owner to roll back.
> 3) I would also move JOIN_REHASH_END end message sent to signal successful join *after* invalidation is done. Agree? Otherwise, we can have overlapping joins.
Well, the worst case here is that you invalidate something > once. No big loss. I'd rather have the join complete sooner.
Manik Surtani
manik at jboss.org
Lead, Infinispan
Lead, JBoss Cache
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