[infinispan-dev] /namedCache/loaders/loader/singletonStore/@pushStateWhenCoordinator being ignored?

Yuri de Wit ydewit at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 21:48:07 EDT 2011

I have a declarative cache.xml file that has an entry as follows:

<namedCache name="type-data">

<!-- jmxStatistics enabled="true" / -->

<!--  invocationBatching enabled="true"/ -->

<clustering mode="invalidation">

<!--  l1 enabled="true" lifespan="60000" / -->

         <sync replTimeout="20000"/>


<loaders passivation="false" shared="false" preload="false">

<loader class="FileDataCacheStore"

fetchPersistentState="false" purgeSynchronously="true">


<property name="location"

value="${data.path}" />

<property name="chunkSize" value="32768"/>

<property name="compressChunks" value="true"/>


<singletonStore enabled="true" pushStateWhenCoordinator="false"
pushStateTimeout="20000" />




What I am seeing is that pushStateWhenCoordinator is being ignored. I do see
JAXB calling setPushStateWhenCoordinator as I would expect but when the
unmarshal() is done it's false is still true. And when I stop the
coordinator the 2nd node in the cluster is trying to push it's state to the

Is this a known issue? Or am I doing something wrong?

-- yuri
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