[infinispan-dev] PutForExternalRead and autoCommit

Slorg1 slorg1 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 10:39:27 EST 2011

Hi all,

See comment below,

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 10:20, Galder ZamarreƱo <galder at redhat.com> wrote:
> On Nov 17, 2011, at 2:54 PM, Manik Surtani wrote:
>> On 17 Nov 2011, at 09:30, Galder ZamarreƱo wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Forcing caches to be either transactional or non transactional caches causes some issues with operations such as putForExternalRead with default configuration options.
>>> Assuming we have a transactional cache, if autoCommit is on (default), putForExternalRead will:
>>> 1. Suspend the ongoing transaction
>>> 2. Will create a brand new transaction due to implicit transaction creation logic in auto commit.
>>> This is not good.
>> What's not good about this?  1 is by design and is correct behaviour.  2 should not affect anything, since the new tx is completed at the end of the PFER invocation.
> 2 does not affect anything but seems wasteful to me. Why start a transaction when I don't need one?

I do not understand the need for #1 to happen given that a running
transaction already exist. In the case of a replicated cache, that
transaction exists remotely on all other nodes.
Thus why not apply the put under the same scope ?

It also raises the question about #2, the object being added to the
cache belongs to a specific scope/transaction and is somewhat isolated
from the rest (transaction isolation), if putting it into the cache
causes it to be "committed" every time, does it not challenge the
isolation and make the whole transactionality moot?

Also, as pointed out by Galder, it is fairly costly as the new
transaction started and committed causes: extra messages for
replication AND new transactions to be created and committed in the
DB. In my case it makes the whole process (non-replicated vs
replicated) about 130% slower per application transaction (many more
"auto transactions")...

Finally, in case of failure to replicate or to put in the cache, it is
my belief that the choice of handling the error/exception should be
left to the application. e.g If the replication fails (synchronous
replication), or the put the cache fails and no roll back is called on
the application transaction, who can tell the state of the system?
When testing I had many cases where the replication failed to complete
and the main transaction I had completed. It means objects in
different states may end up in the system...

Let me know if I am making false assumptions here or if I am not clear.

Thank you,



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