[infinispan-dev] Fwd: [jgroups-dev] Incompatible change in 3.1.0

Bela Ban bban at redhat.com
Mon Nov 28 11:38:23 EST 2011


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [jgroups-dev] Incompatible change in 3.1.0
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 17:36:49 +0100
From: Bela Ban <belaban at yahoo.com>
To: jg-users <javagroups-users at lists.sourceforge.net>,	jg-dev 
<javagroups-development at lists.sourceforge.net>

I'm working on an issue that requires a change in Message and
RequestOptions: I want to change the 'flags' field from a byte to a
short. I'd changethe follwoing methods and fields:

NO_TOTAL_ORDER, NO_RELAY would become a short from a byte

- void Message.setFlag(byte flag) --> void Message.setFlag(short flag);
- void Message.clearFlag(byte flag) --> void Message.clearFlag(short flag)
- boolean Message.isFlagSet(byte flag) --> boolean
Message.isFlagSet(short flag)

A typical use case such as:

Message msg=new Message(...);

would *not* require any change at all.

However, if you have:

byte flags=Message.OOB;

This wouldn't work as 'flags' would have to be a short (or downcast to a

Also, in RequestOptions, the 'flags' field would have to be changed to a
short (from a byte). RequestOptions.setFlags()/getFlags()/clearFlags()
would be affected. Again, typical code like this:
RequestOptions opts=new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 5000,

would not have to be changed at all.

What do people think ? I know this is an API change, although a minor
one, and I wanted to see if anyone's code would break.

I checked Infinispan (master) and this doesn't cause any code breakage.

[1] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JGRP-1250

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