[infinispan-dev] Rollback and CacheEntry

Mircea Markus mircea.markus at jboss.com
Wed Oct 12 07:12:35 EDT 2011

On 12 Oct 2011, at 11:11, Vladimir Blagojevic wrote:

> Mircea,
> I agree! I can store Delta changes under composite keys (delta key + actual map key) in tx context and when/if commit is issued these deltas can be merged into AHM. Great!
> However, I would need to fiddle with ReadCommitedEntry#commit method. This method a bit of a kludge already and it would be great if we could introduce some indirection here in the form of some new CommitMethod interface. Impl of this interface could be passed to mvcc factory method when mvcc entries are created and invoked on CacheEntry#commit.

Can't you extend the CacheEntry with an e.g. FineGrainedAMCacheEntry and implement the commit in an appropriate way there? FineGrainedAMCacheEntry would correspond to an (k,v) change within an FGAM...

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