[infinispan-dev] Let me understand DIST

Pedro Ruivo pruivo at gsd.inesc-id.pt
Thu Mar 15 10:42:34 EDT 2012


@Dan, see comment inline.


On 3/15/12 1:36 PM, Dan Berindei wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 10:31 AM, Bela Ban<bban at redhat.com>  wrote:
>> On 3/12/12 3:03 PM, Dan Berindei wrote:
>>> On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 7:07 PM, Bela Ban<bban at redhat.com>    wrote:
>>>> Can you confirm that my understanding of how DIST works is correct ?
>>>> #1 Non transactional modifications
>>>> - E.g. a PUT
>>>> - The PUT is sent to the primary owner (e.g. B) and all backup owners
>>>> (e.g. C) and is applied immediately, with only local lock acquisition
>>>> (lock-put-unlock)
>>> This is correct, the key lock is acquired in parallel on all the
>>> owners, so two concurrent PUTs could result in different owners having
>>> different values.
>> So the section that issues the (say) 2 unicast PUTs isn't protected by a
>> lock ? I'm not suggesting to include the waiting for the results from
>> the 2 futures should be synchronized, but only the *sending* of the 2
>> unicasts. Then if thread 1 acquired that lock first and thread 2 second,
>> thread's 1's modifications would be delivered *before* thread 2's
>> modifications.
>> Of course, this would order only messages from the same sender.
> We do acquire the key lock on the originator as well, I just missed it
> when I read the code.
>>>> (or is the PUT only sent to B, which in turn then updates C?)
>>>> #2 Transactional modifications
>>>> - The modifications involve a bunch of keys
>>>> - When the TX commits:
>>>>     - A PREPARE message with the relevant keys is sent to all primary
>>>> owners P (to the backup owners as well?)
>>> The PREPARE is sent to the backup owners as well.
>>> The complete list of modifications is sent to all the owners, primary or backup.
>> OK, we discussed this in IRC, thanks for the clarification.
>> If we touch a lot of keys, then sending *all* of the keys to all owners
>> may be sub-optimal; as an optimization, we may want to send only the
>> keys to the nodes which need to store them. This would make the PREPARES
>> potentially much smaller.
> Agree, but it's a non-trivial optimization. For instance if there is a
> view change between the prepare and the commit, the recipient of the
> commit may not have all the modifications in the list.
> With recovery enabled the originator would also have to get the list
> of modifications from all the targets and combine it into a single
> PREPARE command, much more complex than what happens now.
>>>> If so, then I can assume that a transactional modification touching a
>>>> number of keys will almost always touch *all* nodes ? Example:
>>>> - We have 10 nodes
>>>> - numOwners = 2
>>>> - If we have a good consistent hash, I can assume that I have to modifiy
>>>> 5 different keys (10 / 2) on average in a TX to touch *all* nodes in the
>>>> cluster with the PREPARE/COMMIT phase, correct ?
>>> You have to modify *at least* 5 different keys to touch all the nodes.
>>> Some keys will share the primary owner, but also one key's primary
>>> owner can be another's backup owner - so the chances to touch all
>>> nodes with only 5 keys are very low.
>>> It turns out the probability of a tx touching all the nodes depends on
>>> whether we have virtual nodes enabled or not - with lots of virtual
>>> nodes all the {(i, j) where 0<= i != j<    numNodes} combinations are
>>> valid, whereas without virtual nodes only numNodes combinations are
>>> allowed - {(i, (i+1)%clusterSize) where 0<= i<    numNodes}.
>>> I've run some simulations with IPython assuming virtual nodes, and
>>> these are the number of keys per tx required to touch all the nodes
>>> 50% of the time for a few representative cluster sizes:
>>> 4: 4, 8: 10, 16: 25, 32: 61
>> So we have to touch roughly clusterSize * 2 keys to send modification
>> requests to all nodes.
> Actually the number of required keys is growing a little faster. The
> chances of 2 * clusterSize keys touching all the nodes are
>   2: 1.0,
>   4: 0.985,
>   8: 0.91,
>   16: 0.796,
>   32: 0.585,
>   64: 0.327,
>   128: 0.092
>>> These are the numbers of keys required to touch numNodes/2 nodes 50%
>>> of the time:
>>> 4: 1, 8: 2, 16: 5, 32: 11
>> OK
>>> And these are the numbers of keys required to touch numNodes/2 nodes
>>> 90% of the time:
>>> 4: 1, 8: 3, 16: 7, 32: 13
>>>> If my last statement is correct, is it safe to assume that with DIST and
>>>> transactional modifications, I will have a lot of TX contention /
>>>> collisions ?
>>> Not sure what you mean by lot of TX contention - lock contention
>>> should only depend on the dataset size, unless we use lock striping,
>>> in which case it depends on the configured concurrency level.
>> I meant TX rollbacks due to overlapping locks at different nodes,  the
>> stuff Pedro wrote about in his paper on total order.
> Hmm, I thought because we sort the keys before locking it shouldn't be
> possible to have deadlocks between prepare commands. I was assuming
> that the Tx aborts in Pedro's tests were due to write skew check
> failures, but I just read his message again and he mentions write skew
> check is disabled.
> I must be missing something...
I think that a transaction aborts if a scenario like this occurs:

4 nodes, N1 to N4.
N2 is the primary owner of KeyA.
N3 is the primary owner of KeyB.
N1 is executing the transaction Tx1 which writes in A and B
N4 is executing the transaction Tx2 which writes in A and B.
Both transactions try to prepare at the same time. This scenario can 
occurs (I think):

N2 -> deliver(Tx1), lock(KeyA), deliver(Tx2), tryLock(KeyA) //Tx2 is 
blocked until the lock of KeyA is released
N3 -> deliver(Tx2), lock(KeyB), deliver(Tx1), tryLock(KeyB) //Tx1 is 
blocked until the lock of KeyB is released

Eventually Tx1 or Tx2 (or both) will be aborted by a timeout. Is this 
behavior correct? Am I missing something?

>>> Network traffic would probably increase quadratically with the number
>>> of keys/tx because we do send all the modifications to all the owners,
>>> but we could fix that by either transmitting only the relevant bits to
>>> each owner
>> IMO that's an optimization that should be done regardless, see my
>> comment above.
> It does complicate other parts of the code, so I don't think it's such
> a clear win.
>>> or by switching to multicast after the number of targets hits a threshold.
>> The problem of switching between unicasts and multicasts is that there
>> is no ordering between unicast and multicast messages. So if you send an
>> anycast  M1 (2 unicasts) to B,C, followed by a multicast M2, M1 or M2
>> could be delivered first. So A could deliver M1 first, folllowed by M2,
>> while B would deliver M2 followed by M1.
>> If the above scenario is not a problem because you acquire locks anyway,
>> we could do it though... might be a nice optimization !
>>>> If this is correct, this would IMO lay even more importance onto the
>>>> work done by the Cloud-TM team, replacing 2PC with total order. Also, if
>>>> we touch almost all nodes, would it make sense to use SEQUENCER for
>>>> *all* updates ? Would this obviliate the need for TOM (total order for
>>>> partial replication) ?
>>> I don't enough about Cloud-TM to comment here, but it appears
>>> SEQUENCER requires the coordinator to receive forward requests from
>>> all the nodes and send nothing back on the unicast channel.
>> Yes, this is basically the same problem: with SEQUENCER, there is no
>> ordering between unicasts and multicasts, either.
>>> Sending the whole tx as a multicast would certainly be more efficient
>>> than what we do now with lots of targets.
>> Just as confirmation of my understanding:
>> - We have {A,B,C,D,E}
>> - A TX modifies keys K1 (maps to A:B), K2 (maps to B:C), K5 (maps to E:A)
>> Do we send 3 anycasts A:B, B:C and E:A or do we send 1 anycast A:B:C:E ?
>> I think it's the latter, but please confirm...
> Nope, we haven't switched to anycasts yet.
> We do serialize the command beforehand, so we don't have triple
> serialization overhead, but we do need an extra FutureCollator object.
> My assumption is that the multicast itself is more efficient, because
> from the originator to the switch it's just one packet. I wasn't
> thinking of the extra stuff Infinispan and JGroups have to keep for
> the multiple unicast requests.
> Cheers
> Dan
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