[infinispan-dev] ISPN-2463: Removing some deprecated methods within MultipleCacheManagersTest?

Navin Surtani nsurtani at redhat.com
Wed Nov 14 21:47:47 EST 2012

Yeah fully aware of some of the changes with the API. That's why I'm trying to be as careful as I can. I know that some of the defaults aren't the same anymore and also also you need to be using a different approach in order to configure certain things. CacheLoaders being one of the big ones where you need to be a little bit more careful in terms of how you approach the configuration. 

Navin Surtani 

Software Engineer 
JBoss SET 
JBoss EAP 

Twitter: @navssurtani 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Fromm" <tf at tfromm.com>
To: "infinispan -Dev List" <infinispan-dev at lists.jboss.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 3:00:06 PM
Subject: Re: [infinispan-dev] ISPN-2463: Removing some deprecated methods within MultipleCacheManagersTest?

On 14.11.2012 06:46, Navin Surtani wrote:
> Hey all,
> Possibly the first of a few emails with questions on this JIRA and understanding the state of things since I haven't been looking at code on this project in a long, long time.
> This JIRA (ISPN-2463) is essentially about cleaning up the use of the configuration API - i.e. not using org.infinispan.config.Configuration and using org.infinispan.configuration.cache.Configuration - and removing a lot of calls to the deprecated Configuration class within the test-suite. Should the methods that make calls to the now deprecated Configuration class be removed in the abstract test classes such as MultipleCacheManagersTest? For example, should this method [1] be removed and any other methods that call it be modified appropriately?

In fact beside the test for compatibility of the old api and adaption no 
org.infinispan.config stuff should be used in test cases.
When you have migrated all the usages to the current methods, this can 
be removed. From time to time I migrate also some test classes in/for 5.2.
ISPN is well tested (yay :-), so the migration is straight forward work.

But be careful, I noticed slighly differences in the defaults used in 
the old configuration compared with the new one. For example it may be 
needed that you set LockingMode.PESSIMISTIC when tx is used, since the 
old config defaults are more or less the same as the current 
PESSIMISTIC. The new configuration api defaults using 
LockingMode.OPTIMISTIC as default.
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