[infinispan-dev] KeyAffinityService, GroupingConsistentHash et. al. Infinispan tactical APIs

cotton-ben ben.cotton at ALUMNI.RUTGERS.EDU
Wed May 8 13:11:07 EDT 2013

Hi Infinispan-DEV team,

Could anyone provide pointers to Infinispan API sample code that could
assist us w/ our ambition to start building the attached distributed grid

Any wiki "how-to" (or full code samples) would be especially helpful. 
Specifically, how to use


would be ideal.


by Ben.Cotton at jpmorgan.com   May 8, 2013 9:45 AM

Ambition =  on an Infinispan 5.3 grid of 4 nodes (4 x JVM,  all nodes have
same IP address, each node has a different socket port)

I.   distribute/partition a <K,V> set (call it set-A) uniformly across the
grid and
II.  pin a separate <K,V> set (call it set-B) at exactly 1 node on the grid.

How do I best do this in 5.3?


JGroupsTopologyAwareAddress - is it configurable to include at least 
"ip_address+port"?  what is the physical  anatomy of a

GroupingConsistentHash - this looks like a good starting basis for achieving
our ambition.  Are there code samples that demonstrate how to use this?

KeyAffinityService - is this API intended to insulate the User from having
to worry about JGroups specific details?  i.e  If I use the
KeyAffinityService, can I get away without having to know how to code via
JGroupsTopologyAwareAddress a/o GroupingConsistentHash? 

Once we get our ambition realized in a running Infinispan 5.3 grid instance
of 4 nodes:

Assume that node #1 has set-B pinned to it (exclusively).   Is there any way
that nodes #2,#3,#4 can then operate on set-B *by reference* (sort of like
RMI operations over a network-stub to the operand implementation), or is it
necessary that nodes #2,#3,#4 must consume *by value* a copy of set-B into
its' JVM address space before they can operate on set-B?

Thanks for any helpful insights, tactics and code samples.

*by Bela Ban  on May 8, 2013 12:07 PM

I'll try to address this in generic terms, for details (e.g. which classes
to use etc) contact the Infinispan team.

To distribute set A (more or less) evenly across a cluster, use mode=DIST.

To ping set B to a single node, also use DIST, but set numOwners=1 and plug
in your own consistent hashing function which pins all keys to a given node.
E.g. if you have view {M,N,O,P}, the consistent hash could pin all keys to
the first member of the list, M. This works because every member in a
cluster has the same view (unless there's a split).

However, this *will* lead to uneven distribution, so if set B is large, node
M will bear more of the work than other nodes.

Also, numOwners=1 is usually only advisable if you can fetch the data from
somewhere, e.g. a DB, and use the cluster only as a front-end cache to a DB,
for example.

You could fix this by setting numOwners=2, and coming up with a consistent
hash function which always pins the first of the 2 return values, e.g.
[M->N], [M->O], [M->P], [M->N] etc.

Once key set B is pinned to M, all access (using DIST) on other nodes will
be routed to M. Note that you *could* use an L1 cache, which caches locally,
but you stated you don't want to do that.*

View this message in context: http://infinispan-developer-list.980875.n3.nabble.com/KeyAffinityService-GroupingConsistentHash-et-al-Infinispan-tactical-APIs-tp4027042.html
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