[infinispan-dev] help on StackOverflow

Sanne Grinovero sanne at infinispan.org
Mon Nov 4 07:34:27 EST 2013

It's important to help others as it's a complex technology and some
configuration aspects are very hard for newcomers, that quickly gets
frustrating as you say.

We don't have a specific strategy as it's hard to enforce, my strategy
matches with yours: regularly remind people that this is
a) very important for users
b)important for us to know what people want to do
c)important for us to understand what to give priority in terms of
better error messages / better docs

BTW It's not just StackOverflow, there are lots of places to look for
interesting feedback.. my main source is of course the Hibernate
forums; there is just a small fraction of Hibernate users who also
have Infinispan question, but this small % of a very large amount of
posts builds up to an amount of questions which is in the same order
of magnitude as the Infinispan forums.


On 4 November 2013 12:13, Tomas Sykora <tsykora at redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi team!
> I've noticed that some guys started (or they would like) to use Infinispan in their projects, they are stuck on some issues and they are trying to get answers on StackOverflow.
> I know this is hard to react in these days as we are on tight schedule. (Galder, Sanne and Manik are active there)
> Do we have any strategy how can we help them? Unfortunately, I don't know answers for more specific and deeper question, so is it OK to
> redirect them simply to jboss.org forum, to this mailing list or simply to IRC #infinispan? Or can/should I share some unanswered questions here?
> I don't want to be annoying with some unimportant stuff.
> But, still, I have one idea in my mind. If someone cannot proceed with his Infinispan integration for, let's say 3-4 days, he can become frustrated
> and start to looking for another caching/datagrid/NoSQL store solution.
> Thank you for you thoughts!
> Tom
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