[infinispan-dev] JPA & OSGi.. still a long way to go.

Sanne Grinovero sanne at infinispan.org
Mon Jul 21 11:03:00 EDT 2014

Hi all,
I just noticed that "ISPN-4276 - Make JPA cache store work in Karaf"
was resolved.

I trust that a single instance might work now, but we need to take
into considerations some limitations of running Hibernate in OSGi, in
particular the caveats documented here:


The classloader being overriden by an OSGi deployment, it overrides a
static which affects all instances of Hibernate running in a specified
classloader. This is meant to be fixed in Hibernate ORM 5.0.

Considering that a JPACacheStore can handle a single entity, and
consequentially we need to suggest users to use a separate Cache for
each type - but you can't give this suggestion when running in Karaf
so "work in Karaf" is still needing some love unless we intend to
resolve only the single Cache - single type use case.

This is in addition of the functional limitations (like no support for
relations) that we already discussed in a different context: in OSGi,
you can't run more than one JPACacheStore currently.

Where should these limitations be tracked?

-- Sanne

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