[infinispan-dev] Thread pools monitoring
Bela Ban
bban at redhat.com
Mon Nov 10 05:05:49 EST 2014
Does Byteman allow you to use annotations as injection points ? Didn't
know that. Can you show a sample RULE ?
On 10/11/14 10:22, Radim Vansa wrote:
> On 11/07/2014 02:27 PM, Bela Ban wrote:
>> On 07/11/14 13:45, Radim Vansa wrote:
>>> Hijacking thread 'Remoting package refactor' as the discussion has shifted.
>>> Sure, AOP is another approach. However, besided another limitations,
>>> Byteman rules are quite fragile with respect to different versions: if
>>> you're injecting code based on internal implementation method, when the
>>> name/signature changes, the rule is broken. Sometimes you even have to
>>> use AT LINE to formulate the injection point.
>> Right. This is the same problem though as when support needs to create a
>> (e.f. one-off) patch to be applied by a customer: they need to grab the
>> exact same version the customer is running.
>> So each diagnosis package would have to be dependent on the version (of
>> JGroups or JDG) used. Regardless of whether custom rules are added by a
>> support engineer, this has to be tested anyway before sending it off to
>> the customer.
>>> Would you accept a compile-time dependency to some annotations package
>>> in JGroups that could 'tag' the injection points? The idea is that
>>> anyone changing the source code would move the injection point
>>> annotations as well.
>> You mean something like this ?
>> @InjectionPoint("down") public void down(Event e)
>> or
>> @InjectingPoint ("num_msgs_sent")
>> protected int num_msgs_sent;
>> No, this won't work... how would you do that ?
> Yes, this is the annotation syntax I had in mind, though, I was thinking
> about more high-level abstraction what's happening than just marking
> down injection points.
> Such as
> @ReceivedData
> public void receive(@From Address sender, byte[] data, int offset, @Size
> int length) {...}
> @ProcessingMessage
> protected void passMessageUp(@Message msg, ...) { ... }
> @ProcessingBatch
> protected void deliverBatch(@Batch MessageBatch batch) { ... }
>> I don't really like this, on a general principle: AOP should *not* have
>> to change the src code in order to work. And the fact of the matter is
>> that you won't be able to identify *all* injection points beforehand...
>> unless you want to sprinkle your code with annotations.
> I have to agree with the fact that AOP should not have to change source.
> I had a special case in mind, that is tied to JGroups inspection and
> offers a way the monitoring with zero overhead when the monitoring is
> not in place. There, you'd just conceptually describe what JGroups does.
>>> I was already thinking about this in relation with Message Flow Tracer
>>> [1] (not working right now as the JGroups have changed since I was
>>> writing that)?
>> I took a quick look: nice !
>> This is exactly what I meant. Should be some sort of rule base in a VCS,
>> to which support engineers add rules when they have a case which
>> requires it and they deem it to be generally useful.
>> Re API changes: doesn't Byteman have functionality which can check a
>> rule set against a code base (offline), to find out incompatibilities ?
>> Something like a static rule checker ?
> Right, this is possible - but you won't find if you've added another
> place that should be checked (e.g. MFT has to determine whether now
> you're processing a whole batch, or message alone - when you add a
> functionality to grab some stored messages and start processing them, as
> you do in UNICASTx, you won't spot that automatically).
> Beyond that, there are many false positives. E.g. if you have a never
> terminating loop in Runnable.run(), there is no place to inject the AT
> EXIT code and Byteman complains.
> In the end, human intervention is always required.
> Radim
>>> Roman Macor is right now updating the rules and I was
>>> hoping that we could insert annotations into JGroups that would be used
>>> instead of the rules (I was already considering different AOP framework
>>> as Byteman does not allow AT EXIT to catch on leaving exceptions [2]).
>> Yes, I've also run into this before, not really nice.
>>> Radim
>>> [1] https://github.com/rvansa/message-flow-tracer
>>> [2] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/BYTEMAN-237
>>> On 11/07/2014 01:21 PM, Bela Ban wrote:
>>>> Hi Radim,
>>>> no I haven't. However, you can replace the thread pools used by JGroups
>>>> and use custom pools.
>>>> I like another idea better: inject Byteman code at runtime that keeps
>>>> track of this, and *other useful stats as well*.
>>>> It would be very useful to support if we could ship a package to a
>>>> customer that is injected into their running system and grabs all the
>>>> vital stats we need for a few minutes, then removes itself again and
>>>> those stats are then sent to use as a ZIP file.
>>>> The good thing about byteman is that it can remove itself without a
>>>> trace; ie. there's no overhead before / after running byteman.
>>>> On 07/11/14 09:31, Radim Vansa wrote:
>>>>> Btw., have you ever considered checks if a thread returns to pool
>>>>> reasonably often? Some of the other datagrids use this, though there's
>>>>> not much how to react upon that beyond printing out stack traces (but
>>>>> you can at least report to management that some node seems to be broken).
>>>>> Radim
>>>>> On 11/07/2014 08:35 AM, Bela Ban wrote:
>>>>>> That's exactly what I suggested. No config gives you a shared global
>>>>>> thread pool for all caches.
>>>>>> Those caches which need a separate pool can do that via configuration
>>>>>> (and of course also programmatically)
>>>>>> On 06/11/14 20:31, Tristan Tarrant wrote:
>>>>>>> My opinion is that we should aim for less configuration, i.e.
>>>>>>> threadpools should mostly have sensible defaults and be shared by
>>>>>>> default unless there are extremely good reasons for not doing so.
>>>>>>> Tristan
>>>>>>> On 06/11/14 19:40, Radim Vansa wrote:
>>>>>>>> I second the opinion that any threadpools should be shared by default.
>>>>>>>> There are users who have hundreds or thousands of caches and having
>>>>>>>> separate threadpool for each of them could easily drain resources. And
>>>>>>>> sharing resources is the purpose of threadpools, right?
>>>>>>>> Radim
>>>>>>>> On 11/06/2014 04:37 PM, Bela Ban wrote:
>>>>>>>>> #1 I would by default have 1 thread pool shared by all caches
>>>>>>>>> #2 This global thread pool should be configurable, perhaps in the
>>>>>>>>> <global> section ?
>>>>>>>>> #3 Each cache by default uses the gobal thread pool
>>>>>>>>> #4 A cache can define its own thread pool, then it would use this one
>>>>>>>>> and not the global thread pool
>>>>>>>>> I think this gives you a mixture between ease of use and flexibility in
>>>>>>>>> configuring pool per cache if needed
>>>>>>>>> On 06/11/14 16:23, Pedro Ruivo wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 11/06/2014 03:01 PM, Bela Ban wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 06/11/14 15:36, Pedro Ruivo wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> * added a single thread remote executor service. This will handle the
>>>>>>>>>>>> FIFO deliver commands. Previously, they were handled by JGroups incoming
>>>>>>>>>>>> threads and with a new executor service, each cache can process their
>>>>>>>>>>>> own FIFO commands concurrently.
>>>>>>>>>>> +1000. This allows multiple updates from the same sender but to
>>>>>>>>>>> different caches to be executed in parallel, and will speed thing up.
>>>>>>>>>>> Do you intend to share a thread pool between the invocations handlers of
>>>>>>>>>>> the various caches, or do they each have their own thread pool ? Or is
>>>>>>>>>>> this configurable ?
>>>>>>>>>> That is question that cross my mind and I don't have any idea what would
>>>>>>>>>> be the best. So, for now, I will leave the thread pool shared between
>>>>>>>>>> the handlers.
>>>>>>>>>> Never thought to make it configurable, but maybe that is the best
>>>>>>>>>> option. And maybe, it should be possible to have different max-thread
>>>>>>>>>> size per cache. For example:
>>>>>>>>>> * all caches using this remote executor will share the same instance
>>>>>>>>>> <remote-executor name="shared" shared="true" max-threads=4.../>
>>>>>>>>>> * all caches using this remote executor will create their own thread
>>>>>>>>>> pool with max-threads equals to 1
>>>>>>>>>> <remote-executor name="low-throughput-cache" shared="false"
>>>>>>>>>> max-threads=1 .../>
>>>>>>>>>> * all caches using this remote executor will create their own thread
>>>>>>>>>> pool with max-threads equals to 1000
>>>>>>>>>> <remote executor name="high-throughput-cache" shared="false"
>>>>>>>>>> max-thread=1000 .../>
>>>>>>>>>> is this what you have in mind? comments?
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>> Pedro
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Bela Ban, JGroups lead (http://www.jgroups.org)
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