[infinispan-dev] Infinispan 7.1 plan

Sebastian Łaskawiec slaskawi at redhat.com
Tue Oct 21 03:41:05 EDT 2014

+1000 I think that's a big step in good direction.

As Tristan said - having 0 test failures is essential here. I would say 
even more - Pull Requests without green tick from CI shouldn't be 
considered as "ready for review".

Having 0 test failures rule has one additional side effect - if for some 
reason test failure gets into the repo (e.g. merging 2 similar PRs which 
change test data - especially in text files) - all other Pull Requests 
will start to fail from that point. This will oblige us to fix the 
failure before merging further Pull Requests. This makes tracking down 
failure commits really easy (or at least much easier then it is now).

+1 for merging using Github UI - It simply saves us time. Searching 
through railroad history is a bit harder - but on the other hand "git 
log --merges --graph" shows you very nice history of merged features 
(not individual commits). It might be really useful in some cases.


On 10/20/2014 04:47 PM, Tristan Tarrant wrote:
> I am also going to suggest dropping the cherry-picking approach and going with git merge. In order to achieve this we need CI to be always in top form with 0 failures in master. This will allow merging a PR directly from GitHub's interface. We obviously need to trust our tools and our existing code base.

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