[infinispan-dev] Style errors :(

Sanne Grinovero sanne at infinispan.org
Wed Aug 17 05:00:06 EDT 2016

On 17 August 2016 at 08:24, Radim Vansa <rvansa at redhat.com> wrote:
> Galder, in Editor/General/Auto import there's Optimize imports on the
> fly. Without that, IDEA won't mess with imports, so make sure it's
> checked if you want to enforce the imports order.
> Anyway, I personally think that order of imports (which are hidden by
> IDEs anyway) is not important at all, at it shouldn't be enforced by
> checkstyle. The only trouble is that people have the switch above on
> (it's default in IDEA) - or similiar option in other IDEs - and then IDE
> changes the order and generates fuss in the PR.

+1 better tread carefully, I predict a lot of pain here.

And since you all mentioned Hibernate Search as an example of were it
works, let me share some hints:
some rules are important as for example importing "*" has consequences
on determinism, so there's a small subset of rules which I'd highly
Another example is that we actively use checsstyle rules to ban usage
of types which should never be used, e.g. mistakenly use the JGroups
assertions instead of a JUnit assertion:

Then we also enforce our "style", but be aware that these are
controversial and often seen as a PITA by contributors so I'd feel the
need to stress that the important value is not really about
maintaining our weird style but rather about making sure that changes
in PR "stick to the point" and don't change anything else, this is
important to ease porting and rebasing of patches across branches.
In short, it's designed to _prevent_ people from sending PRs with
massive, automated or not, source code reformatting.

In conclusion, messing with import order seems a lot of pain and will
make your future rebases and backports a huge pain. I'd advise against
changes to the status quo but rather enforce such rules on
new/rewritten modules, or other cases in which you already know that
backports are not going to be likely.

Finally, be aware that some style rules can't possibly be enforced in
the same way across IDEs. Import order is one of the tricky ones so
unless you provide rules which you've tested and working you're being
very annoying to contributors.

I'm not against introducing it at all, I did the initial contribution
;) But be careful on what you enable, on which module, and when, and
ultimately what's the effect you want to achieve.

> Regrettably IDEA does not have per-module coding style setting [1], so
> if you have multiple projects (which use different coding style) in
> single workspace, it gets into the way.
> Radim
> [1] https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-69685
> On 08/17/2016 08:40 AM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
>> I've double checked the configuration and it looks as you mention. The IDE dialog also shows the values you indicate but reformatting still does not seem to unroll the * import :|
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Galder Zamarreño
>> Infinispan, Red Hat
>>> On 16 Aug 2016, at 22:16, Sebastian Laskawiec <slaskawi at redhat.com> wrote:
>>> Hey Galder, Sanne!
>>> The author is no longer anonymous! It was me [1]!
>>> Jokes aside; Galder - may I ask you to double check your configuration? I extracted formatter archive and it seems to be fine [2]. Perhaps you didn't enable it (watch out, the formatter name was changed some time ago from Horizon to Infinispan) or this is some tooling problem (which probably should be reported to Jetbrains). Anyway - could you please double check it? I'll try to catch you tomorrow on IRC and talk about it...
>>> BTW - There are 2 different errors in your output - the first one is the start import which should be avoided. The second one is duplicated import (also should be avoided). Please don't confuse those two.
>>> @Sanne - before you trow a 'git revert' axe on me - may I ask you to import the latest formatter and check if the amount of imports before replacing them with star looks correctly? It looks fine to me but I may have some old installation, old configuration etc...
>>> Thanks
>>> Sebastian "the Troublemaker"
>>> [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a43kowi2ncI
>>> [2] unzip IntelliJ_IDEA_Code_Style.jar and look into attached XML. Those two properties are responsible for star imports.
>>> <option name="CLASS_COUNT_TO_USE_IMPORT_ON_DEMAND" value="999" />
>>> <option name="NAMES_COUNT_TO_USE_IMPORT_ON_DEMAND" value="999" />
>>> On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 8:21 PM, Sanne Grinovero <sanne at infinispan.org> wrote:
>>> Please don't forget Eclipse users. It's hard enough to contribute to
>>> Infinispan for non-IDEA users; if you enforce specific style rules, at
>>> the very least provide compatible formatters for the other IDEs or the
>>> barrier for contributors becomes too high.
>>> Galder: to answer your specific question I'd personally say you should
>>> revert the offending commit. I don't know who did it nor who merged
>>> it, but it's just not nice for others that such things get merged
>>> carelessly. Errors can be forgiven, but should be fixed by those who
>>> create the mess ;)
>>> On 16 August 2016 at 16:37, Galder Zamarreño <galder at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> After integrating [1] I'm getting build errors such as:
>>>> [INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:2.17:checkstyle (checkstyle) @ infinispan-core ---
>>>> [INFO] Starting audit...
>>>> /home/g/0/infinispan/git/core/src/main/java/org/infinispan/marshall/core/internal/InternalExternalizerTable.java:55: error: Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - org.infinispan.marshall.exts.*.
>>>> /home/g/0/infinispan/git/core/src/main/java/org/infinispan/marshall/core/ExternalizerTable.java:76: error: Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - org.infinispan.marshall.exts.*.
>>>> /home/g/0/infinispan/git/core/src/test/java/org/infinispan/filter/CompositeKeyValueFilterConverter.java:11:1: error: Duplicate import to line 10 - org.infinispan.metadata.Metadata.
>>>> Even after installing the latest style for IntelliJ [2], reformatting InternalExternalizerTable.java won't fix those how errors.
>>>> So, what do we do? :(
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> [1] https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/commit/313b19301055c6267c6f2ea9065a7ab1b68099fe
>>>> [2] https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/blob/master/ide-settings/intellij/IntelliJ_IDEA_Code_Style.jar
>>>> --
>>>> Galder Zamarreño
>>>> Infinispan, Red Hat
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> --
> Radim Vansa <rvansa at redhat.com>
> JBoss Performance Team
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