[infinispan-dev] Major version cleaning

Bela Ban bban at redhat.com
Mon Feb 20 11:12:47 EST 2017

On 20/02/17 17:06, Tristan Tarrant wrote:
> Hi guys, we discussed about this a little bit in the past and this
> morning on IRC. Here are some proposed removals:
> - Remove the async transactional modes, as they are quite pointless
> - Remove batching: users should use transactions

How do you make a bunch of modifications and send them asynchronously if 
both batching *and* async TXs are getting removed?

So if someone wants to apply a unit of work *atomically* (either all 
modifications within that unit of work are applied, or none), what 
alternatives exist?

> - Remove the tree module: it doesn't work properly, and uses batching
> Please cast your votes
> Tristan

Bela Ban, JGroups lead (http://www.jgroups.org)

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