[infinispan-dev] Major version cleaning

Tristan Tarrant ttarrant at redhat.com
Tue Feb 21 12:37:18 EST 2017

On 21/02/17 17:59, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
> On 21 February 2017 at 16:16, Tristan Tarrant <ttarrant at redhat.com> wrote:
>> On 21/02/17 16:29, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
>>>> You haven't explained what "flush" means. Since you separate that from
>>>> atomicity/consistency, I assume that batches on non-tx cache are just
>>>> ordered putOrRemoveAll operations, immediately visible on flush without
>>>> any atomicity.
>> I assume that in Sanne's idea, ordering in a batch doesn't matter, aside
>> from operations on the same key. Having ordering in there would for
>> example not allow us to parallelize by segment.
>>> So I want to write a first chunk, in our code that looks like:
>>> startBatch
>>> put(chunk1/A, [some large value])
>>> put(chunk1/B, [some small metadata])
>>> put(chunk1/C, [some small metadata])
>>> endBatch
>>> There is no reason to use a transaction, in fact we had to disable
>>> transactions as some of these entries could be large.
>>> There also is no reason for the batch, other than optimising the latency.
>> Let me summarize to see if we have the requirements for a useful
>> batching system (which is sort of patterned on the JDBC statement batching):
>> - a batch is not an atomic operation, i.e. it is not backed by a transaction
>> - it can be wrapped in a transaction if needed
>> - batches cannot be nested
>> - batches only involve unconditional write operations (put, putAll, remove)
>> - ordering of operations within a batch is unimportant aside from
>> modifications to the same key where we apply "last one wins"
>> - when a batch is "flushed" (i.e. endBatch is invoked) the ops are
>> grouped by segment and sent to the appropriate owner for processing,
>> potentially in parallel
>> As Radim has called it, this is essentially a putOrRemoveAll op (with an
>> async counterpart).
>> Is that summary correct ?
> Yes! Thanks
> BTW I don't fully subscribe that conditional operations shouldn't be
> considered, but I'm happy to keep that pandora box for another time.
> Remember optimistic transactions are useful in some cases.

Why I thought that putIfAbsent might not be appropriate I don't know. It 
makes perfect sense. Even the replace ops.

Tristan Tarrant
Infinispan Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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