[infinispan-dev] Infinispan "mitosis"

Gustavo Fernandes gustavo at infinispan.org
Tue Mar 14 10:10:50 EDT 2017

On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 1:08 PM, Sanne Grinovero <sanne at infinispan.org>

> Just throwing out an idea I just had while thinking of Hibernate OGM
> user needs for data migration.
> For people using databases & related frameworks, it's common to have a
> staging database which contains not just the staging "schema" but also
> data. When legally possible, it's often preferable to have snapshot
> from production data.
> For example last time I worked with a SQL database, each week I'd take
> a production backup and restore it on both our staging environment and
> on the developer's instances so that everyone could run tests on it -
> without needing access to the real production.
> Interestingly, while we don't have an easy tool get a fully consistent
> snapshot from a live Infinispan grid, "replicating" should be a
> familiar concept here?

We do have a way to "copy" data from a grid, which is part of the Rolling
Upgrade process [1], which is
supposed to migrate data from one cluster to another with no downtime for
clients. Both clusters
are independent and can have incompatible Infinispan version, like 8.x and

Re-using some parts of the Rolling Upgrade from [1], it'd be possible to
extract a tool that simply grabs data from a
running cluster and save it to another without the clients accessing the
source cluster being aware of it. Although
not technically a snapshot, it fits the use case of pre-production
environment provisioning.


> Infinispan could have a "mitosis" feature, like cell reproduction, in
> which the user connects a pristine grid instance of N nodes and these
> N nodes automatically become non-primary owners for the full set of
> segments - this could happen via a custom hash which makes them all
> backup replicas (no main owners) and then Infinispan would be able to
> tell when state transfer is completed, and initiate some some
> coordination to sever the link without triggering re-hash on the
> original "production" grid.
> Incidentally, while this happens the child datagrid would be kept up
> to date with in-flight changes, so we could envision either a very
> short lock on changes to guarantee a fully consistent snapshot, or not
> have any lock at all but minimise the inconsistencies to those which
> might happen during the link decoupling.
> Maybe this would satisfy also the people who've been asking for the
> snapshot feature? I don't think people want a snapshot for the sake of
> it, but to replicate the grid..
> I realise it's not a 1 day of work and the idea is not fully fleshed
> out, but I think this would be a very well received feature.
> Thanks,
> Sanne
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