[infinispan-dev] My update

Adrian Nistor anistor at redhat.com
Mon Mar 20 13:45:13 EDT 2017

Hi all,

I've been on PTO most of last week and returned to active life only on 
Thursday. I've been hiding in the shadow exercising my writing talent 
(yuck) on documenting query and also cleaned up some jira issues:

ISPN-7300 fixing negative occurence (-) when used with boolean expressions

ISPN-6713 RemoteQueryDslConditionsTest.testIsNullNumericWithProjection1 
no longer fails after Lucene upgrade

ISPN-7002 NPE in DelegatingQuery when deployed in Wildfly 10.1.0.Final

I also spent some time with ISPN-7580, which is a proposal from Teiid 
for modifying Protostream in order to allow dynamic entities, much like 
what OGM needs too. I like the idea and understand the need for this but 
so far the solution is a bit hacky so I'm reluctant to merge that change.


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