[jbdevstudio-users] Setting up datasource in JBoss

Swetal Parikh jbdevstudio-users at lists.jboss.org
Tue Apr 22 15:38:42 EDT 2014

I found following article on how to set it up:

After I followed the document, I do see Datasource being added on management console. But when I try to test the connection, I get following error:

Unexpected HTTP response: 500

    "address" => [
        ("subsystem" => "datasources"),
        ("data-source" => "EmployeeServiceDS")
    "operation" => "flush-all-connection-in-pool"


Internal Server Error
    "outcome" => "failed",
    "failure-description" => "JBAS010440: failed to invoke operation: JBAS010442: failed to match pool. Check JndiName: java:jboss/datasources/EmplouyeeServiceDS",
    "rolled-back" => true

Posted by forums
Original post: https://community.jboss.org/message/869845#869845

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