[jbdevstudio-users] How to get older versions of JBoss Developer Studio (v4.1.0)

Paul Rolph jbdevstudio-users at lists.jboss.org
Tue Apr 22 17:31:43 EDT 2014

Hi Max,

I will give v5 a go, 'again', as I did try this a while ago, but there were some differences in setting up the IDE, such as configuring and integrating the AS an ESB environments, runtimes etc. The outcome wasn't quite ideal. However, I'll persevere and see if I can work something it. It's all part of the fun I guess. I will post my results on setting up and using v5 in case some other people out there stumble across this blocker.

I have been able to get by without the IDE, but it would be much better to get the IDE running in order to progress through the book. It is a little disappointing to sell a book when the tools needed aren't available or obtainable. Sort of similar to selling a cook book, and then having to buy the ingredients {emoticon:class=jive_macro jive_emote|src=https://community.jboss.org/|__jive_emoticon_name=happy}


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Original post: https://community.jboss.org/message/869880#869880

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