[jbdevstudio-users] JBDS in a browser window

Rich Lucente jbdevstudio-users at lists.jboss.org
Tue May 13 20:24:21 EDT 2014

Blaine Mincey was kind enough to provide a screencast of installing JBoss Developer Studio in a guest VM and accessing it via a browser.  This is the first step to converting this to an openshift cartridge (if possible).  The video is linked from the README.md on the github site [1] and you can also find it here [2].  No audio, sorry.  If you want to skip the installation (it's just a bunch of scripts) and get to the end result, forward the video to the 4:00 mark.

- Rich

[1] https://github.com/rlucente-se-jboss/jbds-via-html5
[2] https://vimeo.com/95063680

Posted by forums
Original post: https://community.jboss.org/message/873596#873596

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