[jbdevstudio-users] JBoss Developer Studio 8 Download Issue

Brian Bezanson brian.bezanson at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 17:56:38 EDT 2014

Today I received the Red Hat Developer News | October 2014 and have a couple of issues.
1. There is a link to *Red Hat Rolls Out New JBoss Developer Subscription, Resources, and Technology (http://app.engage.redhat.com/e/er?s=1795&lid=19614&elq=a927f8501934461dbd28854098556eb4)*1. The funny thing is, on this page they talk about the Subscription but there is no information of how to subscribe/buy (cost FREE) it.
2. It seems there should be a link to: http://www.jboss.org/faq/1. This at least talks about the program - but again it seems confusing to me. Why, well I've been a member of this forum for a long time. This program is supposedly new by the press release above.
2. So how do I register if I am already registered in Jive?
3. Is there a way to see my memberships to confirm it?

2. There is a link to download JBoss Developer Studio 8: http://app.engage.redhat.com/e/er?s=1795&lid=19615&elq=a927f8501934461dbd28854098556eb41. When I click on the link it asked me to login to Red Hat and then I'm told I don't have the ability to see the link/download.
2. After going through the JBoss.org site I found this page to download 8.0RC1:1. http://www.jboss.org/products/devstudio/download/
2. Someone should check the links externally before these newsletters go out.

Thanks in advance for any/all help,


P.S.  How is there a limit for a forum that I can only post content once an hour? How do you expect people to participate if they can't answer/ask questions in a timel
Not allowed to post content more than once every 3600 seconds.

Posted by forums
Original post: https://developer.jboss.org/message/906444#906444

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