[jbdevstudio-users] JBoss Developer Studio 8 Download Issue

Brian Bezanson brian.bezanson at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 10:59:02 EDT 2014

I guess that goes to the nature of how Jive is set-up. I'm thinking all posting has to be by registered users. And I thought there was an option for registration for CAPTCHA - to fight the SPAM bots.

And then for all of the groups and spaces they could be set that people had to request membership to be able to post -- and those registrations could be moderated to be approved - this allowing for validating real people.

I'm thinking this site is based on Jive 6 vs Jive 7 - see what Jive announces next week at JiveWorld 14. Maybe an update would help with some enhancements against the "bot" issue.


Posted by forums
Original post: https://developer.jboss.org/message/907040#907040

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