[jboss-as7-dev] shutdown.sh equivalent

Scott Stark sstark at redhat.com
Thu Apr 7 19:22:53 EDT 2011

Just putting those commands in a file is also working for me.

[39](ironmaiden:jboss-as) > 
--connect </tmp/shutdown.txt

   JBoss Admin Command-line Interface





Connected to localhost:9999
[localhost:9999 /] :shutdown
Communication error: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: 
java.io.EOFException: Connection closed
[localhost:9999 /] quit
Closed connection to localhost:9999

I added a comment to the JBAS-9270 asking for the ability to execute an 
input string as a series of commands as many interpreters/shells do.

On 4/6/11 2:00 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
> The management API exposes a command "shutdown" on the root resource for
> a standalone server.
> Here's a hack that worked for me for executing that from the CLI:
> pingguo:bin bstansberry$ (echo :shutdown; echo quit) | ./jboss-admin.sh
> --connect controller=localhost:9999
> =========================================================================
>     JBoss Admin Command-line Interface
>     JBOSS_HOME: .....
>     JAVA: .....
>     JAVA_OPTS:
> =========================================================================
> Connected to localhost:9999
> [localhost:9999 /] :shutdown
> Communication error: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException:
> java.io.EOFException: Connection closed
> [localhost:9999 /] quit
> Closed connection to localhost:9999
> pingguo:bin bstansberry$
> The "--connect" argument passed to jboss-admin.sh tells it to connect
> when it starts, without a separate command after it starts. The
> "controller=localhost:9999" bit tells it how to connect. In this case
> it's unnecessary; since localhost:9999 is the default.
> Once I merge JBAS-9839 there will be a --file=xxx.txt option whereby
> multiple commands can be read from a file.
> The hack I did with (echo :shutdown; echo quit) was to get the CLI to
> read two commands from stdin: the server shutdown command and an
> instruction that the CLI itself should exit. I'm sure there are better
> ways to do that.
> Alexey, WDYT about something like this:
> ./jboss-admin.sh --connect --exec=:shutdown
> Basically --exec means "execute one command and exit".

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