[jboss-as7-dev] Upload 2 files with the same name fails

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com
Fri Apr 8 07:07:35 EDT 2011


suppose I have a domain with 2 server groups A and B and two times a foo.war file in version A and B.
Uploading to the domain works, and I get different hashes back

sha: 7jgpMVmynfxpqp8UDleKLmtgbrA=


As I understand next step is now to add this to /deploment/test.war:add(hash= .<from above> , name="test.war") 

And here I already have the previous version added, so that new add fails:

Json to send: {"address":[{"deployment":"test.war"}],"operation":"add","hash":{"BYTES_VALUE":"7jgpMVmynfxpqp8UDleKLmtgbrA="},"name":"test.war"}
java.lang.AssertionError: {"outcome":"failed","result":{"domain-failure-description":[{"java.lang.IllegalStateException":"Resource at address [(\"deployment\" => \"test.war\")] already exists"}]}

I think it should be allowed to have multiple files with the same name - especially as the files can be identified via <name,hash>


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