[jboss-as7-dev] ServerDeploymentManager: Problems getting the result future of a deployment action

André Dietisheim adietish at redhat.com
Mon Apr 11 10:02:58 EDT 2011


I actually try to get the result of a deployment and unfortunately fail 
so far.

I proceed in the following manner:

I add an deployment, get the action that was created for it, and then 
try to retrieve the result of this action:

ServerDeploymentManager manager = 
InitialDeploymentPlanBuilder builder = manager.newDeploymentPlan();
builder = builder.add(file.getName(), file).addDeploy();
DeploymentAction action = builder.getLastAction();
DeploymentPlan plan = builder.build();
Future<ServerDeploymentPlanResult> planResult = manager.execute(plan);
ServerDeploymentPlanResult result = resultFuture.get(timeout, 
ServerDeploymentActionResult actionResult = 

Unfortunately actionResult is always null.
Stepping through the code did not help a lot so far: The result of the 
server deployment plan seems always to hold an empty map of 
actionResults (DeploymentPlanResultImpl#actionResults).

What do I miss? I'd appreciate a lot some pointers here.


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