[jboss-as7-dev] Deployment -- why marker files?

Jason T. Greene jason.greene at redhat.com
Tue Apr 12 11:42:39 EDT 2011

Yeah basically we had not finished the feature until Beta2 and onward. I 
highly recommend grabbing the latest upstream.

On 4/12/11 10:18 AM, Howard Gao wrote:
> Thanks Jason. I think I would use auto-deploy for most of the time.
> If by default it is auto-deploy for non-exploded deployment, then I
> think there is an issue with it. I deployed a simple MDB (packed in a
> jar file, I think that's non-exploded) and I still have to add a
> .dodeploy to trigger the processing of my MDB.
> Or perhaps it has been just so changed? My as7 is built from the code
> days ago.
> Howard
> On 04/12/2011 11:10 PM, Jason T. Greene wrote:
>> Actually allow me to clarify:
>> BY DEFAULT you do not need markers for non-exploded deployments.
>> You do need them for exploded. You can enable auto-deploy for
>> directories, and ignore using any marker, but you have the same casino
>> odds that you had in previous AS releases.
>> On 4/12/11 10:04 AM, Jason T. Greene wrote:
>>> You dont need markers for non-exploded deployments (see auto-deploy in
>>> deployments/README.txt)
>>> On 4/12/11 9:51 AM, Howard Gao wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> In AS7 it uses a bunch of 'Marker files' to control and indicate a
>>>> deployment. Comparing to previous AS 4 I found this is not so
>>>> convenient. For example if I want to deploy an EJB jar I need to
>>>> drop it
>>>> to the /deployments dir and create a .dodeploy marker file. And if my
>>>> EJB failed to deploy the marker file changed to .fail mark file. In a
>>>> debug process this deployment can be repeated many times, each time a
>>>> .dodeploy has to be manually added. And that's for a single EJB. If I
>>>> have 5 EJB jars deployed I need file marker files manually created.
>>>> In AS 4 I just drop it and done. I wonder what's the good reason for
>>>> those marker files? From a user's point of view, for what other
>>>> purposes
>>>> could it be to drop something to the deployments directory than for
>>>> deploying it right away?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Howard
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Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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