[jboss-as7-dev] Deployment -- why marker files?

Jason T. Greene jason.greene at redhat.com
Tue Apr 12 13:10:49 EDT 2011

On 4/12/11 11:22 AM, Jason T. Greene wrote:
> On 4/12/11 11:14 AM, Jim Tyrrell wrote:
>> Okay so great minds think alike i think, but looking at these two/three
>> things:
>> 1. touch $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.skipdeploy
>> 2. cp -r target/example.war/foo.html $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war
>> You are copying to a different directory, that is hard to GROK.
> This is the case where you are using the problematic exploded
> auto-deploy, but you want to avoid the scanning problems. Alternatively
> you can take the default which has auto-deploy turned off and just
> create a .depdeploy alongside it to kick off the deployment explicitly
> (the opposite, no inverse skip).
> To answer your earlier question you can update jsp, html files etc in
> the directory and those take effect immediate, it's only a full redeploy
> that requires touching a marker.

Oh one other interesting thing I forgot to mention. JDK7 is adding a 
file notification API that integrates with the OS FS notification APIs. 
We could probably have mostly reliable auto-deploy of exploded content 
by using this feature with some good heuristic analysis. Should someone 
contribute to this when JDK7 comes out we could turn auto-deploy back on 
for exploded.

Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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