[jboss-as7-dev] deploying a war - jboss-classloading.xml

Kabir Khan kabir.khan at jboss.com
Wed Apr 13 17:20:19 EDT 2011

As long as your archive only depends on things it "should" (JEE APIs etc.), it should jut deploy. To see things that would not normally be visible, you currently need to add those modules as a dependency in your META-INF/MANIFEST.MF:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Dependencies: some.module,other.module

The "normal" modules will still be visible from your deployment

On 13 Apr 2011, at 21:41, denstar wrote:

> Hi Folks!
> With AS5 I'd put something like this:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <classloading xmlns="urn:jboss:classloading:1.0" name="cfdistro"
> domain="DefaultDomain" export-all="NON_EMPTY" import-all="true">
> </classloading>
> into WEB-INF/jboss-classloading.xml
> But with AS7 that doesn't seem to work.  Deploying as an EAR seemed to
> be a bit better, but still didn't get me the isolation that I need, I
> guess.
> Is there a way to configure the classloading in AS7?
> Is there maybe a way to create a jboss module out of a war?  Seems
> like there's classloading config stuff for modules, and that modules
> are the tao of AS7...
> Or maybe I should just be messing with jboss-web?  The Beta3 of it
> looks pretty similar to what I'm used to.
> I'm familiar with a lot of the custom jboss-related discriptors for
> classloading/configuration options for AS5, as I'm not a big fan of
> having to modify the container configs to get an app to deploy, and
> enjoyed being able to ship a standard ear/war that (by including a
> couple of custom jboss config files), "just worked" on jboss too.
> Although I don't mind doing modules and getting all OSGI and whatnot
> (I do eclipse dev too), I'd really like to have a WAR or EAR that
> folks can just drop in to container X.
> Sorry for all the questions.  I'm not even sure this is the right
> place for me to be asking 'em.
> I'm mostly trying to get my bearings w/AS7, I guess.  I think I've
> looked at most the docs in the wiki relating to it, but any
> information is appreciated.
> :den*
> -- 
> Philosophers are very severe towards other philosophers because they
> expect too much.
> George Santayana
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