[jboss-as7-dev] JDBC driver version requirement

David M. Lloyd david.lloyd at redhat.com
Mon Apr 18 09:07:05 EDT 2011

On 04/18/2011 08:02 AM, Heiko Braun wrote:
> In order to configure a JDBC driver, I need to specify a driver version
> as part of the driver name:
>    "driver" =>  {
>                  "description" =>  "Defines the JDBC driver the datasource should use with this format:<driver-name>#<major-version>.<minor-version>  where<driver-name>  is the fully qualifed name of the JDBC driver class",
>                  "type" =>  STRING,
>                  "required" =>  true,
>                  "access-type" =>  "read-only",
>                  "storage" =>  "configuration"
>              },
> IMO this is really awkward and for the average user close to impossible to figure the driver version.
> Can somebody explain this requirement?

Yeah, it's pretty dumb.  I plan to perform, or direct, a cleanup effort 
around our management model and XML representation with a few goals:

1) XML Uniformity - to ensure that all of our subsystems are using 
similar syntax for similar items (right now it's a mishmash of 
values-in-attributes and values-between-tags for example).
2) Descriptive Uniformity - we use different names for similar concepts 
between subsystems, and this needs to be cleaned up
3) Consistent Value Definitions - there is no reason to have compound 
values; both the DMR and XML representations support multi-attribute 
data items.


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