[jboss-as7-dev] JBAS-9268: OOM when uploading content through HTTP API

Jason T. Greene jason.greene at redhat.com
Tue Apr 19 01:16:46 EDT 2011

Thanks Jonathan.

I just did a big mass change today that should fix all the issues, as 
well as converting to use direct streams. Feel free to beat it up if you 

On 4/17/11 4:32 PM, Jonathan Pearlin wrote:
> Ike,
>     I got a chance to dig into the issue this weekend and I believe I
> have found the cause (or causes, as the case may be).  First, the code
> currently in the HTTP Server does not assume that there is only one body
> part in the multipart POST (it assumes there could be a number of fields
> with one of them being the actual deployment being uploaded).  This was
> something that I did not include originally, but added later after Jason
> and I discussed how the upload API may need to be used in the future
> (i.e. what would happen if the form post needs to provide other
> information in addition to the deployment as part of the upload).
> Therefore, the code keeps reading header/body pairs from the stream
> until it finds one of content-type "application/octet-stream".  However,
> upon further investigation (and using different browsers), it appears
> that different browsers provide different content types for the input
> type="file" input element in a "multipart/form-data" form (for instance,
> Firefox 3.x reports application/octet-stream, while IE 9 reports
> application/x-zip-compressed for a .war file and I suspect Safari is
> doing something different as well).  There is definitely a defect in the
> logic that reads through the stream where it could never exit the outer
> while loop in the extractPostContent method if it never finds a part of
> type application/octet-stream.  I have posted a patch to fix the issue
> here:
> https://github.com/jdpgrailsdev/jboss-as/commit/83f0d293e018a550562cd03819edfe071dafa0df.
> Note that this patch does NOT fix the issue with the different
> content-types -- it merely fixes the OOM and returns a HTTP 500 if we do
> not find a part of type application/octet-stream in the POST (see below
> for more thoughts on what to do with this).  I have added a comment to
> this effect on JBAS-9268.
> On a related note, it appears that your patch does not handle the case
> described above (mutliple parts in the form post that need to be
> inspected to find the actual deployment -- please correct me if I am
> reading the code wrong!).  From what I can tell, the proposed patch
> consumes the header (i.e. the part that contains the content-disposition
> and content-type declarations) and then reads the body of the part,
> writing it to the output stream point to the temporary file.  It repeats
> this process until there are no more parts to read (this means that in
> the case of multiple parts, the bodies will be concatenated together in
> the output file).  It *seems* as though the new patch assumes only one
> part for the deployment or that the deployment itself will be split
> across multiple boundaries.  This is not the assumption that the
> original code was produced under (I will defer to Jason on this as
> regards to whether or not we need the ability to handle upload requests
> with multiple parts with only one of those parts being the actual
> deployment).
> I guess this leads us to a decision point as to how to modify the HTTP
> server:
> 1) Patch the existing code to a) not produce OOM when no deployment is
> found in the incoming POST and b) modify the code to look for the
> appropriate content-types that we need to support (instead of just
> application/octet-stream).  This would mean that we want to keep the
> logic to handle inspecting each part of the multipart form post to find
> the deployment.
> 2) Use Ike's patch as-is.
> 3) Modify Ike's patch to include the logic for handling inspecting each
> part of the multipart form post (hybrid of 1 and 2, basically).
> Options 1 and 3 assume that we still need the logic to "find" the
> deployment in the upload POST request by interpreting the content-type
> of each part.  Thinking about this some more, it may make sense to
> standardize on the name of the field instead of the type, as we can
> enforce it from an API perspective what people have to name the part for
> the API to deploy it, instead of relying on all browsers to use the same
> content-type for a deployment.
> Please let me know what you think and/or if you need me to make any of
> the changes!
> --Jonathan
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 7:50 AM, Heiko Braun <hbraun at redhat.com
> <mailto:hbraun at redhat.com>> wrote:
>     I've run into a OOM issue when uploading content through the HTTP
>     API again.
>     (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBAS-9268)
>     I did take a look at the current implementation and propose that we
>     change it in the following way:
>     - read multipart contents from mime boundary
>     - replace the custom multipart stream implementation with a mature
>     one (leans on apache commons fileupload)
>     I've got this changes  tested and verified in a custom branch:
>     https://github.com/heiko-braun/jboss-as/commits/out_of_memory
>     However before going ahead, I would like get some feedback from
>     a) the original author (Jonathan Pearlin. Welcome onboard btw)
>     b) Jason wrt the Apache License sources (See
>     org.jboss.as.domain.http.server.multipart.asf.*)
>     Regards, Ike
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Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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