[jboss-as7-dev] DataSource Enable/disable

Heiko Braun hbraun at redhat.com
Thu Apr 21 04:01:32 EDT 2011

Both variants are fine. I can also understand the attempt to 
distinguish operation vs attribute use cases.

IMO this reveals one of the weak sports in the detyped API:
runtime vs. configuration properties of the system.

to further distinguish these two I would suggest the following,
which may apply to other subsystems as well:

- if changing the configuration impacts the runtime state (i.e. enabled->disabled) 
then make it an operation
- if it's merely configuration then make it an attribute

If separated like this, attributes names should not imply state changes.
For instance, 

a) setting the attribute "enabled" to false, make me think 
b ) I "disable" the resource.

Whereas a) is an attribute change but b) is an operation.

We can solve the problem for the datasource by keeping the enable/disable operations like they are
and simply rename the attribute to something like "auto-start". We have a similar case with server-instances.


On Apr 21, 2011, at 4:37 AM, Brian Stansberry wrote:

> I think offering both variants is fine too.

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