[jboss-as7-dev] Changes to .jsp in an exploded deployment no longer picked up?

Max Rydahl Andersen max.andersen at redhat.com
Tue Apr 26 14:27:19 EDT 2011

>> On Tue, 2011-04-26 at 09:46 -0500, David M. Lloyd wrote:
>>> It shouldn't be a global setting at all.  It should be per-deployment
>>> and it should default to "on" when there is exploded content and "off"
>>> otherwise.  In other words: the user should never even need to know
>>> about it.
>> Ok, since I strongly disagree, I'll let you make that change.
> I also disagree, but for different reasons.  Whether or not you run in  
> development mode should not depend on exploded/unexploded.  

Why not by default ?

> Some tools  
> used in development would deploy unexploded.  Development mode is used  
> for more than just hot deploy of JSP and Facelets.  It also determines  
> what kind of error messages you see in the browser.  So even if a  
> developer isn't interested in JSP/Facelets hot deploy he would  
> certainly want to see the error detail that development mode provides  
> in the browser.

But they would still be able to enable it specifically I assume ?

Note, I would prefer "development" mode is either enabled by default or controllable by a single startup flag
so there is a way to run in "fast development mode" without explaining how to locate the flag (or even worse multiple flags)
inside any xml.

> I think we simply need to decide if the default configuration for the  
> community edition will be to set things to development mode the way we  
> have traditionally done.  I am in favor of that, at least for  
> standalone.



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