[jboss-as7-dev] Consolidated list of non-Java EE JPA and native Hibernate issues

Marius Bogoevici marius.bogoevici at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 11:25:33 EDT 2011

On 08/30/2011 10:52 AM, Scott Marlow wrote:
> Is anyone working on jboss-ignore.txt for AS7.x?  I'm still wondering 
> if we should have a way to tell JPA to ignore a deployment.


I started prototyping something a while ago then it couldn't make it to 
7.0 so I slacked it off. Need to bring back though - I can get back to 
this next week, unless anyone wants to take over beforehand.

One issue that I have encountered for a generic implementation was that 
deployment processors read files directly from VFS, so we cannot easily 
incorporate the information from jboss-ignore.txt in the deployment 
process (as it was the case with the MC-based deployers, where Ales 
added the jboss-ignore.txt processing into one of the superclasses).

So, I'm wondering what is the best way of handling this:

a) Adding an intermediate DeploymentResources object that sits on top of 
VFS and incorporates the filtering information from jboss-ignore.txt . 
Deployment processors would use DeploymentResources to get a filtered 
view of the deployment resources instead of using VFS directly.

b) Using jboss-deployment-structure.xml for dedicated deployment 
instructions (<ignore-jpa/>)


My preferred alternative would be a), perhaps incorporating filtering 
rules in jboss-deployment-structure.xml.


> On 06/15/2011 03:12 PM, Marius Bogoevici wrote:
>> As per the discussion that Scott and I had on IRC earlier, I tried to
>> summarize the current issues that we encounter outside the confines of
>> strict Java EE usage, for non Java EE JPA and native Hibernate
>> applications (with Spring apps being a subset of the larger Hibernate
>> application set), as well as some possible workarounds and some possible
>> solutions - some of these have working prototypes, for some others we
>> need to decide the direction in which we want to go (e.g. fail-fast vs.
>> more precise validation vs. runtime failures and so on).
>> It would be ideal if we could address some of these issues pre-7.0, if
>> not, then at least we should have a working plan for 7.1.
>> http://community.jboss.org/thread/168089

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