[jboss-as7-dev] EE JNDI services

David M. Lloyd david.lloyd at redhat.com
Sun Feb 6 15:07:04 EST 2011

I've been working on getting EE JNDI services organized in a 
spec-consistent (and start-order-consistent) manner.  The first part of 
this effort - dividing the EE component service itself into two phases - 
was relatively simple and is now complete; however it appears that our 
JNDI services are not entirely prepared for this organizational change. 
  I've attached a diagram which illustrates the desired service layout 
for EE components which covers injection and start order, and should be 
cycle-proof (we'll know for sure once we implement EJB "eager" singletons).

Anyway please review the graph and let me know if there are any 
questions, especially if I've missed any cases, and in the meantime I'll 
be working on getting the deployers straightened out.  The arrow means 

Some important facts not depicted:

- Components (as can be seen from the graph) are bound into JNDI 
possibly before they are started; however attempting to create a new 
component instance will block until the "START" phase is complete (note 
that for some component types, you can acquire a client proxy without 
actually causing instantiation to occur).

- The service naming scheme is not final, especially for JNDI contexts.

- Note that not all env. entries necessarily imply injection; it is also 
possible to specify immediate values in the deployment descriptor.  To 
achieve this in MSC, the env. entry service should have an Injector 
which can be immediate for descriptor-provided (or defaulted) values or 
it can be a dependency for lookup values.

- Note that all inter-component dependencies are expressed upon JNDI 
bindings (jboss.naming.context.* services), not on the actual components 
(jboss.deployment.unit.*.component.* services).
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