[jboss-as7-dev] testsuite

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at redhat.com
Mon Feb 14 10:29:38 EST 2011

On 2/14/11 9:13 AM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
> On 02/14/2011 09:08 AM, ssilvert at redhat.com wrote:
>> I see that there's not that much in there right now.  Am I free to add
>> a JSF test module to testsuite or are we putting component tests
>> somewhere else?
> It is appropriate to add unit tests for modules with the module itself;
> it is recommended to add integration tests and in this case, a
> JSF-specific demo in the demos module.

Re: things in demos, we have a requirement to have the demos meet the 
TAG-16 requirements. We'll need to adapt existing ones; new ones should 
plan for it in advance.

[1] https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/TAG-16 and 
https://docspace.corp.redhat.com/docs/DOC-37891 both of which are 
unfortunately internal :(

>> Also, is there any documentation on using the arquillian module that
>> is there in the as7 build?
> Kabir, Stuart and others are doing various work on this so I'll leave
> this question to them.

Brian Stansberry
Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat

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