[jboss-as7-dev] Web UI: Profile & host sections mutable?

Jason T. Greene jason.greene at redhat.com
Mon Feb 14 14:27:00 EST 2011

On 2/14/11 11:38 AM, Heiko Braun wrote:
> On Feb 14, 2011, at 6:27 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
>> Let's assume for the sake of argument that we want to expose dependency
>> info via the management interface. I see here hard dependencies (e.g.
>> presumably JCA and JTA) and optional. Extensions could register these
>> dependencies when they initialize. It opens up a can of worms though, as
>> we'd need a proper language to describe the dependencies.
>> Thinking out loud here, could we use the module dependency information
>> for this?  Nah, that would just say, e.g. that JCA needs the JTA APIs,
>> but says nothing about the impl.
> As I said in an earlier email. To me, this is edge case that can easily be considered
> something that we don't support. If we need or want todo it, it needs to be fool proof
> and hence require a way to describe these dependencies and to validate newly created
> profiles.
> Furthermore, if it's not a strict requirement, we drop this idea.

We do have requirements in this area (see ERD, also pasted below for 
quick reference). Instead of shipping 50 profile configs, we want users 
to be able to easily enable and disable their subsystems. So IMO I think 
it makes a lot of sense to eventually be in the web console.

Ultimately for both the installer, and the admin tools (again if not 
now, eventually) I think we will need a very basic subsystem dependency 
expression for the sole purpose of validation (this was discussed in 
Madison long ago). If, as david says, we have no deps then thats great, 
but I suspect that we will.

As to knowing what subsystems are available, thats something we can 
represent in the profiles metatype info. The deps would also be 
contained there.


Requirement: "It will be possible to enable / disable individual 
subsystems that will be effective at the next (re)start."

Comments: "The domain configuration will contain a subsystem config per 
subsystem; profiles are made up of subsystems. Subsystems can be removed 
from the configuration which will result in them not being loaded."


Requirement "It will be possible to determine the dependencies between 

Comments: "This will allow tooling to prevent invalid combinations. The 
domain and tooling will error, or attempt to prevent broken dependencies."

Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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