[jboss-as7-dev] Missing dependencies in Web & EJB3 AS7 modules

David M. Lloyd david.lloyd at redhat.com
Tue Feb 15 10:22:00 EST 2011

On 02/15/2011 05:04 AM, Richard Opalka wrote:
> I'd like to change the following AS7 modules
> org.jboss.as.web
> org.jboss.as.ejb3
> to include the following dependencies
> <!-- JSR 181 WS MD -->
> <module name="javax.jws.api"/>
> <!-- JSR 224 JAXWS API -->
> <module name="javax.xml.ws.api"/>
> <!-- JBossWS SPI -->
> <module name="org.jboss.ws.spi" />
> <!-- CXF META-INF servicies -->
> <module name="org.jboss.ws.cxf.jbossws-cxf-factories" services="import"/>
> <!-- CXF JAXWS API impl -->
> <module name="org.jboss.ws.cxf.jbossws-cxf-client" services="import"/>
> It's required by JAX-WS 22 & EE6 specs and TCK to have
> JAX-WS client runtime available in Servlets and EJBs automatically.
> I'm also attaching some usecases to demonstrate usecases.
> Objections / comments ?

I object.  This is incorrect.

These modules are NOT intended to be a magic repository for appending 
things on to user deployments!  These modules are internal 
implementation modules, which nobody should expect to ever appear on a 
user class path.

If you want to add these additional dependencies to EJB and Servlet 
deployments then modify the EJB and Servlet deployers to add these 
dependencies individually.

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