[jboss-as7-dev] Missing dependencies in Web & EJB3 AS7 modules

David M. Lloyd david.lloyd at redhat.com
Tue Feb 15 10:41:00 EST 2011

On 02/15/2011 09:36 AM, Alessio Soldano wrote:
> On 02/15/2011 04:22 PM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
>>> Objections / comments ?
>> I object. This is incorrect.
>> These modules are NOT intended to be a magic repository for appending
>> things on to user deployments! These modules are internal
>> implementation modules, which nobody should expect to ever appear on a
>> user class path.
>> If you want to add these additional dependencies to EJB and Servlet
>> deployments then modify the EJB and Servlet deployers to add these
>> dependencies individually.
> Right, just to clarify, I think this is basically what's been said with
> Carlo and Emanuel later on; is that fine?
> IOW the real question here is, are we all OK with having the WS libs in
> the runtime classpath of every ejb/servlet deployments? (as a
> consequence of the need for supporting the usecases mentioned in
> Richard's email)

I'm not sure I understand how these usecases cause a need to include WS 
impl libs on the deployment classpath.  It makes no sense to me because 
the deployers can set up any class arrangement they want, and they can 
also arrange for TCCL to be set as needed as well.

Can you or Richard elaborate on the specific issues?

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