[jboss-as7-dev] file deployment availability ?

Max Rydahl Andersen max.andersen at redhat.com
Tue Feb 22 09:20:50 EST 2011


With JBoss Tools 3.2 out the door we are ready to start working on AS 7 support in the tools.

Things seem to be still be very fluid with respect to remote API's thus my initial plan were we
focus on start/stop of the container (by using the shell scripts) and the discussed file-deployment API
as discussed at Devoxx and http://community.jboss.org/message/572083.

My hope is that since these "contracts" are pretty simple we would be able to get something up an running
pretty fast and if things changes in internals of AS7 we won't be that much affected by it assuming you maintain
those "contracts".

I was wondering when this will be ready for us to tryout ? At Devoxx the word was "pretty soon now, latest end-of-february";
does that still hold ?


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