[jboss-as7-dev] cli

Jason T. Greene jason.greene at redhat.com
Tue Feb 22 10:52:17 EST 2011

Sweet. I can't wait to play with this.

On 2/22/11 9:44 AM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
> You rock. :-)
> On 2/22/11 9:28 AM, Alexey Loubyansky wrote:
>> Ok, I created a branch 'cli' (from your cli-on-master), added
>>     jline module,
>>     command history,
>>     tab-completion of commands starting with '/'
>>     and command prompt including the current prefix.
>> On 02/15/2011 03:58 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
>>> Your detyped2 branch was a bit behind where master is now, so I
>>> cherry-picked your commits onto a branch created from master and pushed
>>> that out:
>>> https://github.com/bstansberry/jboss-as/commits/cli-on-master
>>> When you can back we can sort branching; should be simple.
>>> I pushed one non-merging related commit on that branch[1], which was a
>>> quick and dirty fix to allow using other DMR types than ModelTyp.STRING
>>> as param values. That was mostly to make it easy for me to experiment;
>>> we can decide whether that's the right approach when you get back.
>>> [1]
>>> https://github.com/bstansberry/jboss-as/commit/8a6ccf7bc0903f196399aa439de9a3e6cc5cfd76
>>> On 2/11/11 9:57 AM, Alexey Loubyansky wrote:
>>>> Just FYI, in case of discussions, etc, I'm on PTO next week.
>>>>      From Sunday to Thursday afternoon I won't have reliable Internet access.
>>>> On 02/11/2011 04:50 PM, Alexey Loubyansky wrote:
>>>>> I'd like to give a status update on what I've done so far, collect some
>>>>> feedback and get a sense of direction for the roadmap.
>>>>> So, so far it's a primitive thing. There is a script jboss-admin.sh(bat)
>>>>> under the JBOSS_HOME/bin. It starts a cli as a module (I found it easier
>>>>> this way).
>>>>> First thing to do is to connect to the server. It's done with
>>>>> /connect [host]:[port]
>>>>> Default host is localhost, default port is 9999.
>>>>> BTW, for the list of supported commands type /help. Besides /connection
>>>>> and /help there are /quit and /prefix.
>>>>> Anything that doesn't start with '/' is considered an operation request.
>>>>> Operation requests are currently following the format:
>>>>> [node-type=node-name [, node-type=node-name]*] : operation-name
>>>>> ([name=value [, name=value]*])
>>>>> e.g.
>>>>> profile=production,subsystem=threads,bounded-queue-thread-pool=pool1:write-core-threads(count=0,
>>>>> per-cpu=20)
>>>>> Whitespaces between separators are insignificant.
>>>>> If the address part is not specified then the ':' before the operation
>>>>> name is optional.
>>>>> If the operation has no arguments then the brackets '()' are optional.
>>>>> So, if we are at the root, just 'read-resource' will work.
>>>>> The result of the operation for now is logged by invoking toString() on
>>>>> it, so it's formatted as on the wiki.
>>>>> About the /prefix command (it has an alias '/to'). It's an analogue of
>>>>> the 'cd'. I.e. It specifies a node path prefix for an operation request
>>>>> before it gets executed. E.g.
>>>>> /to subsystem=logging
>>>>> read-resource
>>>>> will be equivalent to subsystem=logging:read-resource executed from the
>>>>> root.
>>>>> It's also possible to end the prefix on the node type, e.g.
>>>>> /to subsystem
>>>>> logging:read-resource
>>>>> will be equivalent to the above.
>>>>> /to ~ - means go to the root.
>>>>> '..' - go to the parent node.
>>>>> .type - go to the node type of the current node.
>>>>> /prefix (or /to) w/o arguments will print the current prefix value. BTW,
>>>>> the prefix is not verified to be a valid one (except from the syntax
>>>>> point of view). If the prefix is wrong the operations will fail, of course.
>>>>> That's about it for now. So, we talked a bit today with Emanuel and Max
>>>>> about it. To improve usability we thought of adding:
>>>>> - some sort of autocompletion (for the commands, node types/names,
>>>>> operations);
>>>>> - having higher level management commands on top of the operation
>>>>> requests, to avoid the verbose syntax of the operation requests for some
>>>>> common things like deploy/undeploy, add a datasource, etc.
>>>>> - use the jline for the input (currently it's BufferedReader.readLine()).
>>>>> Any other ideas, suggestions?
>>>>> BTW, it's currently in my detyped2 branch.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Alexey
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Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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