[jboss-as7-dev] Expressions (Detyped API document feedback)

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at redhat.com
Wed Jan 5 09:10:20 EST 2011

On 1/4/11 11:02 AM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
> MetaValues
> I agree with some of these types but not others:
> * SimpleValue
>       + String - yes
>       + primitives - some; maybe just boolean/int/long/float/double but
> not byte/short/char for example
>       + Date - no, let's use long for now, and revisit once JSR-310 is
> done.  Date is basically worthless.
>       + BigDecimal/BigInteger - yes
> * CollectionValue/ArrayValue - No, I'd rather see byte[] added to the
> above list and otherwise have a list value type, each element of which
> can be whatever type
> * MapValue - No, we don't need any map key type other than strings
> * CompositeValue - too much work, why not just use a simple map of
> Strings to values?  By making the type dependent on the key it's
> basically impossible to use without metatype info
> * TableMetaValue - too complex
> I'd rather do something more dynamic where you can start with a node and
> just build up whatever you want from it:
> node = new ModelNode();
> node.get("operation").set("change-bind-port"); // string
> node.get("address").add("base, "domain"); // a list
> node.get("address").add("profile", "web");
> node.get("address").add("subsystem", "web");
> node.get("address").add("connector", "ssl");
> node.get("bind-port").set(8433); // int
> result = connection.execute(node); // goes over remoting
> System.out.println("Result is: " + result);
> // nicely formatted, JSON-style (but with more possible types)
> I wipped up a demo of this style of API at:
> https://github.com/dmlloyd/jboss-dmr
> Notice there's only one public class and one type enum.  (The Validation
> class isn't anything, just an experiment.)

Something I want to work through with this is how is how to handle 
values that are really expressions or variable references (e.g. 
${pool.size:10}) that should be resolved on the server.

Using something like the old jboss-meta library that has different value 
types (SimpleValue, CollectionValue, CompositeValue etc), it's fairly 
straightforward to handle these. We could add a new value type 
ExpressionValue (or modify SimpleValue) and have it expose a few extra 

String getExpression()
String getDefaultValue()
boolean isResolved()

plus the standard getValue()

When a user is reading the domain or host level model, isResolved() 
would return false. If the user is reading a server level model, it 
would return true, and getValue() would return the resolved value. But 
the underlying ${pool.size:10} would still be available, helping users 
to understand where the resolved value came from.

With the simpler type system David proposes, this kind of thing isn't so 
easily doable. So, a couple questions to discuss:

1) The only place where something like ExpressionValue adds anything is 
when reading a server level model, where the resolved value is available 
*and* the unresolved value is available. Is there significant benefit in 
providing the unresolved value?

2) If there is significant benefit, how can we model this using the 
simpler type system?

Brian Stansberry
Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat

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