[jboss-as7-dev] EAR Classloading documentation seems to be in contradiction.

Vimal Kansal vkansal at redhat.com
Tue Jul 19 00:41:35 EDT 2011


It appears that EAR classloading documentation at 
https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS7/Class+Loading+in+AS7 is in 
contradiction with what "jboss-ee.xsd describes :

AS7 Doc version

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:ee:1.0" >

By default this is set to true, which means that sub deployments will be 
able to see other non-war sub-deployments classes by default (i.e. a war 
deployment's module will have a dependency on all other ejb-jar 
sub-deployments, however it will not have a module dependency on any 
other war deployments).

If this is set to false then no automatic dependencies are set up, they 
must be setup manually with Class-Path entries, or by setting up 
explicit module dependencies. This means that WARs (and other EJB jars) 
do not have access to classes defined in an EJB jar unless an explicit 
dependency is defined. The Java EE specification says that portable 
applications should not rely on sub deployments having access to other 
sub deployments that they do not have a Class-Path entry on, so portable 
applications should always use Class-Path entry's to explicitly state 
their dependencies.

jboss-ee.xsd version
Flag indicating whether each of the subdeployments within a .ear can 
access classes belonging to
                     another subdeployment within the same .ear. Setting 
this to false, allows the subdeployments to
                     see classes belonging to other subdeployments 
within the .ear.
                     For example:
                      |--- web.war
                      |--- ejb1.jar
                      |--- ejb2.jar

                     If the ear-subdeployments-isolated is set to false, 
then the classes in web.war can access classes
                     belonging to ejb1.jar and ejb2.jar. Similarly, 
classes from ejb1.jar can access classes from ejb2.jar
                     (and vice-versa).

                     *Note that this flag, has no effect on the isolated 
classloader of the .war file(s). i.e. irrespective
                     of whether this flag is set to true or false, the 
.war within a .ear will have a isolated classloader
                     and other subdeployments within that .ear will not 
be able to access classes from that .war. This is
                     as per spec*



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