[jboss-as7-dev] Fwd: AS 7 Logging Management?

Heiko Braun hbraun at redhat.com
Fri May 13 10:18:22 EDT 2011

> Heiko,
>     Have anyone discussed with you logging management?  Just wondering, because I would like to be able to do at least five things with jboss logging.  First, I would like to be able to turn on and off CONSOLE logging.  I would like to be able to go back and forth between ASYNC and SYNC logging.  I would like to be able to change the log format.  I would like to be able to change the log location, and finally, I would like to be able to change the log file attributes, like how large, and whether its a rolling log file or not.
> Just wondering if anything has happened around this stuff.
> Andy

AFAIKT, the isn't much yet.
Apart from the regular model operation (add,remove, etc) there is just:


The description isn't very details as well:

[domain at localhost:9999 /] /profile=default/subsystem=logging:read-resource-description
    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "description" => "The configuration of the logging subsystem.",
        "head-comment-allowed" => true,
        "tail-comment-allowed" => true,
        "namespace" => "urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.0",
        "operations" => undefined,
        "children" => {
            "root-logger" => {"description" => "Defines the root logger for this log context."},
            "handler" => {"description" => "The logging handler."}
    "compensating-operation" => undefined

So, to answer your question: No I don't think the management use cases are covered.
But I can take a detailed look next week.


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