[jboss-as7-dev] How hard would it be to support key based auth by default to make life simpler and more secure ?

Jason Greene jgreene at redhat.com
Sun Nov 13 17:15:41 EST 2011

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 13, 2011, at 1:09 PM, "David M. Lloyd" <david.lloyd at redhat.com> wrote:

> On 11/13/2011 12:49 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Been thinking about the new username/password requirements.
>> These will make all examples that uses maven deploy plugin, cli scripts, arquillian, jboss tools etc. to somehow
>> either tell users to type in their username and full password in clear text in pom.xml and other files.
>> Which sounds worse to me than a default locked down to only localhost…but I'm not a security expert :)
>> I was wondering how hard it would be to make the authentication support key based auth by default and we make
>> the tools use ${user.name} and ${user.home}/.jboss/default.pub and .priv (or some other name) for the public/private keys ?
> You would need a key-based SASL authentication mechanism.  There are no 
> standard ones as of right now.  If you know of a key-based SASL 
> mechanism that you think we should support, let me know and we'll 
> evaluate it.

We would have to do noauth + SSL + trust. I think it's an option worth considering. The big problem though is that we have to have a setup process to generate the certs, which is greater complexity than the user/pass option. We would have to generate a host key pair and a client key pair. 

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