[jboss-as7-dev] where is org.jboss.com.sun...HttpServer code git code?

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Tue Apr 24 12:24:54 EDT 2012

Well, I used the JDK as-is.  This looks like a bug in the code

class WriteFinishedEvent extends Event {
     WriteFinishedEvent (ExchangeImpl t) {
         super (t);
         assert !t.writefinished;
         t.writefinished = true;

Why do a false assertion then set the same variable to true?  Also, 
writefinished is not referenced/set anywhere in that package except for 
this code.  So how can it ever work?

BTW, apologies, I didn't even know you could have mulitple non-public 
class definitions in the same .java file.

On 4/24/12 12:07 PM, Jason T. Greene wrote:
> Oh btw. Assertions are broken in the sun http server code. That's
> probably your problem. If you enable assertions they are not enabled for
> the JDK code. We need to comment them out and do a new release.
> On 4/24/12 11:06 AM, Jason T. Greene wrote:
>> That's a private class:
>> https://github.com/jbossas/httpserver/blob/master/src/main/java/org/jboss/sun/net/httpserver/Event.java
>> On 4/24/12 11:00 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
>>> Code is missing, Specifically
>>> org.jboss.sun.net.httpserver.WriteFinishedEvent
>>> Exception in thread "Thread-3" java.lang.AssertionError
>>> at org.jboss.sun.net.httpserver.WriteFinishedEvent.<init>(Event.java:40)
>>> at
>>> org.jboss.sun.net.httpserver.FixedLengthOutputStream.close(FixedLengthOutputStream.java:98)
>>> at
>>> org.jboss.sun.net.httpserver.PlaceholderOutputStream.close(ExchangeImpl.java:517)
>>> at
>>> org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.server.sun.http.ResteasyHttpHandler.handle(ResteasyHttpHandler.java:86)
>>> at
>>> org.jboss.com.sun.net.httpserver.Filter$Chain.doFilter(Filter.java:78)
>>> at org.jboss.sun.net.httpserver.AuthFilter.doFilter(AuthFilter.java:80)
>>> at
>>> org.jboss.com.sun.net.httpserver.Filter$Chain.doFilter(Filter.java:81)
>>> at
>>> org.jboss.sun.net.httpserver.ServerImpl$Exchange$LinkHandler.handle(ServerImpl.java:710)
>>> at
>>> org.jboss.com.sun.net.httpserver.Filter$Chain.doFilter(Filter.java:78)
>>> at
>>> org.jboss.sun.net.httpserver.ServerImpl$Exchange.run(ServerImpl.java:682)
>>> at
>>> org.jboss.sun.net.httpserver.ServerImpl$DefaultExecutor.execute(ServerImpl.java:202)
>>> at
>>> org.jboss.sun.net.httpserver.ServerImpl$Dispatcher.handle(ServerImpl.java:468)
>>> at
>>> org.jboss.sun.net.httpserver.ServerImpl$Dispatcher.run(ServerImpl.java:433)
>>> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680)

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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